The Starlight Prophecy Sneak Peek


Sade sat entranced. She was about to embark on a perilous journey with her cheeky, younger sister, and adventurous cousins that would change their lives forever. She had been haunted since childhood by inexplicable psychic events and ageless questions:

Where did we come from?

Who are we?

Why are we here?

Questions that confounded her young mind until her obsessive thoughts took on a life of their own, as a mystifying premonition emerged into her awareness. Sade’s eyes glazed over. She felt spacey; her body tingled as an intoxicating smell overpowered her—the heady and sweet odor of static electricity. It felt like déjà vu. She tried to speak, but muttered only gibberish. She saw astonishing lights and then a vortex. She felt powerless to resist what called her as a shadowy force swept her away.