Gloria realized with the help of the Pyramid Lady that she has chosen the painful life lessons she must work on in order to ascend spiritually and fulfill her true purpose and mission in life. Gloria chose the ‘light’ and God realization over fear and darkness.


Sunday night

Dear Adam,

So many of the dreams Gloria has point out a lesson. I’m beginning to think that on earth there are no actual mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves no matter how unpleasant are necessary in order to learn what we need to know to learn; whatever steps we take they’re necessary to reach the place we’ve chosen to go. It’s like when we look back on our days, they’ve passed in a flash – time doesn’t last and nobody’s got long to live. Something bridges time and the best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it. I wonder how we would live if we were spiritually advanced. Like our curiosity about dying – once you think you’ve done it (Gloria’s first heart attack) – we think of it as jumping down a dark tunnel and with luck and the brilliant action from guardian angels we’re at that light of warmth and love which is God in all His mercy. In a dream we were with the stars tonight again except that they were green, red, and blue stars and the Pyramid Lady was there and she told me that, “Each day that I stay on my feet, each day that I see, hear, feel, and smell what everyone else does, and each night that I go to sleep in my bed, I could climb under the covers with a feeling of victory.” Sure I’d have the fear a lot but also have the victory. That’s really something to hope for isn’t it? A victory each day – what a miracle if we could feel that way each day. The lady also said that I’m doing so well. She said, “My child you’ve been through more than most could handle and come out of it so well. I marvel at your wisdom and courage and tell Adam our friend that I feel humble in the face of his wisdom, generosity of spirit and courage, also.” I felt humble too and Gloria and I, found ourselves on the beach with soft sand on our feet. We had two bad dreams also, but I thought this most important to write about and now I forgot them. See you soon.

Gloria’s Helper