Self Realization to GOD Realization

Gloria’s painful psychological and spiritual  journey of healing revealed deeper levels of consciousness that Master Yogi’s call GOD Realization. Here is  an example. More to COME.


Sunday night

Dear Adam,

In my dream tonight, I heard a voice which said, “There you are Gloria dear!” and saw the Pyramid Lady’s face light up with pleasure. Tonight I caught a good look at her and caught my breath at her loveliness. Here is exactly the kind of unforgettable beauty that has inspired great poets and artists for centuries. No one could remain unmoved by it for long. And once again found myself entirely captivated by my friend.

She said, “I’m so glad I found you today. I was dying to see you again and to talk to you.” “Yes, so was I,” I responded. “It’s about the Little Lamp that I want to talk to you.” “I’m enjoying it so much,” said I. “Yes, but you mustn’t ever be afraid when you get visions during your meditation.”

“I’m not afraid exactly but know visions sometimes have to do with mental problems,” I told her.

“Not in this specific case. These visions are mainly to enlighten you about the future. I’m very proud of the progress you and Adam are making and you don’t want anything to back you up, so don’t be upset by anything that happens out of the ordinary,” the Lady said.

Then she showed me a light that she had and it was there just like mine, and shortly after bade me goodbye and said, “We’ll meet again soon and I’ll put your worries at rest. Till then dear friend, God Bless,” and she disappeared.

I woke up wondering how strange this dream had been, her referring to the light as if she had known about it without my talking of it. How could she have known? Strange isn’t it?

Gloria’s Helper