Gloria Dreams of SHAMANS and the Lady with three eyes

Gloria learns she was chosen to become a Shaman and share her spiritual gifts and healing with the world. Gloria realizes its her calling and purpose in life.


Sunday night

Dear Adam,

Tonight Gloria dreamed about “SHAMANS” yes, I know you’ll wonder what a shaman is unless you already know. We didn’t, so we asked the “Pyramid Lady” what the word meant and she said, “It was a healer that it was someone who could see past the concrete world, past current knowledge to a special kind of truth by looking deeply into himself.” Also that he understood the connection between humans, nature, and the spirits and he used the truth and that understanding to help heal his people – that, it was a calling – the Indians called a gift from the Great Spirit – which the gift is passed from one shaman to another – the older teaches the younger.

When she repeated all this twice we asked if the spirits were like God and she said, “Very much like what we call God except that the Indians see “God” in all things and it was a beautiful gift, and if Gloria wanted it badly enough, that she had it in her power to make the community better – she’d already done so in her past work with children and their parents – also by bringing back from a time of testing, violence, and chaos, the special visions she had. That she had clean hands and a pure heart and could walk the red path, if she so chose – and that she would guide us.”

The Pyramid Lady talked with us a long time and explained all kinds of experiences we had profited by and it turned out to be a most encouraging dream. When we told her how interesting all of her talk was she said it was her job to guide us to encouraging truths and when Gloria said, “I think I could be a shaman if I wanted to,” she said that she was already well on her way to being just that. We learn something new every night, it seems, now we know a new word “shaman”. Did you ever hear of it before?

Gloria’s Helper