Gloria discovers Energy Healing in a precognitive dream

A ray of spiritual light cut through the darkness and mayhem of Gloria’s mind as if a lotus flower emerging from muddy water. She saw herself in the future. She saw who she would become.


Wednesday night

Hi again,

I fell asleep and as I slept I formed an image in my mind – the picture of a flame, a single golden flame burning gently from its source; all around the flame there was darkness. My mind filled with the vision of the burning golden flame until I could feel its warmth and could hear the soft murmur of its energy.

Concentrating on the flame, the flame that burned at the core of my soul, I slowed my breathing and forced my body to relax. It was a process that felt as if it took hours, but which took only minutes, the gathering of my strength and the centering it on that flame. To those who watched me, my face betrayed some of the intense concentration inside my mind.

Those who watched me were doctors and they said I seemed to have gone to sleep; there was no evidence of the forces slowly building up in me. They said they watched me as I lay my hands directly on the writhing body of a man, my hands moved at first in a small circle, then gradually widening until they traced a path in the air the length of his body.

When my hands stopped, the man who was dying stirred and opened his eyes. The doctors asked me, “What did you do?” But I didn’t know all I felt was the flame’s heat.

Gloria’s Helper