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The Many Lives of Linden Morningstar: Part 3

When Linden returned from the Vietnam war, he resumed his college studies but changed his major from Electrical Engineering to Psychology. The war had decisively changed him. He learned the hard way about the reality of war and what it did to people. He was appalled by the horrendous cost in human life both military and civilian,  and the physical and psychological toll it inflicted on the wounded and survivors. He learned a valuable lesson to respect all life, even his enemy.  His long journey as a wounded warrior and healer had begun.

Hand of a Healer

Linden graduated summa cum laude from Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts with a Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advance Graduate Studies in Psychology and Counseling. He was a licensed Marriage and Family therapist specializing in clinical hypnosis. He worked in private practice, community mental health, and in psychiatric hospitals. He also used his knowledge of hypnosis to treat patients suffering from physical pain and a variety of life threatening medical conditions.

Linden discovered the spiritual power of healing through his hypnotic experiences and altered states of consciousness.  He realized that hypnosis like shamanic healing had the power to open doorways to otherworldly realities and healing powers beyond our contemporary understanding of the mind.

The Starlight Prophecy book giveaway

Enter to WIN one of three autographed copies of The Starlight Prophecy


Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Starlight Prophecy by Linden Morningstar

The Starlight Prophecy

by Linden Morningstar

Giveaway ends November 23, 2015.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

The Many Lives of Linden Morningstar: Part 1


Land of Cotton
Land of Cotton

Kern County, California, the land of “White Gold,” cotton 1950’s

Linden Morningstar was born in 1948 in Lamar, Missouri. Soon after his birth, his mother and step-father took him and his older sister to the “Promised Land” of California in the hope farmer’s fields were bountiful and jobs plentiful. His parents worked the fields around Bakersfield, California, picking back-breaking potatoes, cotton (White Gold), and apples as far away as Washington State. Linden thrived in the balmy heat of his new home and loved to get his hands dirty playing in the fertile soil. Where dirt mixed with his imagination made him happy.

Playing in the Dirt
Little Hands Creating Imaginary Worlds

Gloria Rising a Psychological and Paranormal Thriller: Goodreads Giveaway Contest

ENTER Goodreads Giveaway to WIN One of two Autographed copies of Gloria Rising

I would encourage friends and fans to visit my website and “like” my website and Author Facebook page

Also, through Goodreads a free and very popular book reader website, I am offering a giveaway and chance to win one of two autographed copies of Gloria Rising. Just scroll down the Escape from Madness page and click ENTER GIVEAWAY, (Begins 9/23/2015 and Ends 11/9/2015) if you are not a member of Goodreads it’s free and easy to sign up. I recommend any book lover to be a member. I want to thank my fans and friends for your support.

Premiere Book Signing

Book Signings

I am pleased to invite my family, fans, and friends to an exciting book signing event.  All in attendance will be eligible to win ONE of TWO Autographed copies of both Gloria Rising and The Starlight Prophecy in my book signing giveaway. Everyone will receive free Gloria Rising bookmarks.  Please come and enjoy the fun. I will be answering questions about my novels and writing. Look forward to sharing this once in a lifetime opportunity with you.

Gloria Rising

Premier Book Signing Event
Bank of Books 748 E. Main Street
Ventura, California

1:00 to 3: PM

The Starlight Prophecy

Premier Book Signing Event
Bank of Books 748 E. Main Street
Ventura, California

1:00 to 3: PM

Gloria Rising Preview


I struggled to keep my writing hand steady. It trembled as if detached from my body. I frantically scribbled down this note after finishing Gloria’s manuscript out of fear of a terrifying premonition that I would not awaken to see the dawn. This whole experience has been as if I had awoken from a nightmare, but it wasn’t my nightmare—it was real—too real to have imagined, let alone lived through and survived. I am Dr. Adam Jaxon, and if by chance you are reading this, I am already dead.

I was a renowned and distinguished hypnotherapist and treated thousands of people in my lifetime, but Gloria B’s electrifying hypnotherapy captivated and stunned me. Unfortunately, I was reluctant to share her terrifying and heart-wrenching story for fear no one would believe the otherworldly powers that literally came to guide and help me heal her. I feared my old associates would think I had gone senile or worse mad.

Now I feel ashamed for being such a coward, for allowing myself to be controlled by the homogenized expectations of my profession and being paralyzed by irrational fears that I would be scorned and rejected, if I spoke my mind. I now feel shame and guilt that my arrogance and fear got the best of me and nearly bankrupted my morals and destroyed me.

After all Gloria and I had been through, I could not live with the thought that, in the end, I had betrayed her trust and let her down. But thanks to her endearing memory and loving spirit, I came to my senses while gazing at my image in a mirror. I flew into a rage and smashed the pathetic image with my wine glass into a million pieces; blood trickled down my wrist, but I didn’t care. I shouted, “To hell with my ego and reputation,” over and over again, until my voice grew too hoarse to scream anymore.

I yielded to my guilty conscience to write her story that I had promised her. Besides, my health was failing, and Gloria’s story was too momentous and meaningful to be forgotten and buried in my cold grave. So I feverishly wrote over the past year, and finally finished the manuscript this very night—just days before my 100th birthday.

But alas, this morning, I sensed a chilling premonition that I would not be here to celebrate it. So I left the precious manuscript, and this postscript, on my oak writing desk with a poignant note and scrupulous instructions for its publication, for my daughter to find. It would be my last fond gesture and chance to share my lifeworks with her, albeit, beyond the grave.

I know if I died tonight, I would die a happy man at peace with myself knowing Gloria’s story would finally be told—a mysterious and astonishing story that defies the timeworn precepts of modern psychology and psychiatry—where insanity, genius, the metaphysical, and the mystery of life come together to beguile and confound our contemporary understanding of the mind and its limitless powers to heal.

 Dr. Adam Jaxon