Category Archives: supernatural

”…the eye says, “no experience is ever wasted…”

Gloria Rising: pgs. 64-65


Wednesday night
Dear Adam,

I’m trying to get down the dreams of tonight before I forget – one
started out where a small child is standing alone on a mountain – he’s
looking all around and is frightened – he’s lost his way and all he is surrounded
by are cliffs and rocks – but something bright, very bright draws
his attention.
It’s a large eye – and the eye speaks, “one-out – two-out – three-out,”
already the child is calmer. The eye continues, “six-out – seven-out – I
haven’t let you down yet – nine-out – ten-out.” The child becomes the
image of Gloria. She looks around like she’s exploring – memorizing.
“You never know when an experience like this will be useful,” the eye
says, “no experience is ever wasted.” Then the eye becomes smaller and
comes nearer and closer to Gloria and attaches itself in the center of her
Gloria is saying to herself, “Nothing is ever so bad that I can’t take
some kind of action,” and she begins to take steps down the mountain –
falling – picking herself up. I’m watching thinking I should help but it
doesn’t seem the thing to do – suddenly an arrow comes right above Gloria’s
head and keeps right on going – have no idea where it came from – but it
doesn’t hurt Gloria – just keeps shooting way up towards the heavens – as I
turn from watching the arrow to look for Gloria – I don’t see her at all – till
I hear her talking to someone way down (how she got there I don’t know)
but there she is standing on the opposite shore of a wide view and she’s talking to her parents standing on the opposite shore – I can’t hear what
Gloria is saying but I hear the parents clearly saying, “No, no you mustn’t
cross over, remember you can’t swim, don’t even try, no no!”
This is where I woke up, but the dream is still so vivid especially the
fear in the parent’s voice. So much for this dream – it’s been one busy night.
Another dream had to do with five children taking a ride on a toboggan –
Gloria is steering the toboggan going down a steep hill she’s heading
toward the left when this high, tall, slim person appears and looks at the
third eye on Gloria’s forehead – takes a hold of the reigns of the toboggan
and swiftly turns it to the right and leaves Gloria saying something like a
promise that he would be with her always – and I woke up still wondering
where this tall person came from. So much for tonight.

Gloria’s Helper

The manifestation of mysterious and heavenly resources begin to appear
in Gloria’s nightmares to help her—an angel or very tall thin man and an
all-seeing mystical eye.


Gloria Has Three Eyes

Gloria Rising pgs. 62-64


Sunday night

Dear Adam,

I’d better put down dreams just had before I forget the whole thing.
One was a weird experience – a child is looking for his mother and she
is nowhere to be found but while she walks around searching, she meets
several other people and each of these people ask for directions – the child
points to different streets and they go along but always leave before she has
a chance to ask where his mother is.
Then something strange happens, the child sees a volcano and coming
from there is what looks like an angel. He’s running toward the child, he
approaches and tells her not to be worried and put his hand out toward the child’s forehead and tells her, “Well look at you! Now you have three eyes.”
I am looking at the child, I see Gloria and she really has three eyes – one
in the middle of her forehead. The volcano erupts and we’re running but
the fire doesn’t seem to come our way – I see a house and I grab Gloria
and head for it – there’s a golden key in the door and it turns easily but
slowly – it is filled with a family – I look at them, children, parents, and
others and Gloria starts to talk to someone she calls “mother” – her mother
tells her, “I have always loved you, I still do,” and Gloria answers, “Do you
know I love you too?” The mother says, “Yes, my child, you have proved it
always.” – there the dream focuses on others in the family – I try to come
to understand the specific needs of each member of this family and to
accommodate the need as well as it is possible – Gloria is helping me and
others start to help us – when a child cries someone is there to hold his
hand, to hug him or talk with him; when a child stumbles someone always
comes to help him up – when he mourns someone mourns with him –
there is immense comfort in this group of people – a social order and we
know that this caring is helping them to survive – it’s a good feeling – till
we hear footsteps approaching the house – everyone is saying things like,
“Don’t worry,” – “Don’t be afraid,” – hammering fists against the door –
kicking – shouting – the door stays closed. I see Gloria – she still has her
three eyes and strangely there is fear in two eyes only – I am petrified with
fear – the door opens and someone walks up to Gloria, yanks her to her
feet and drags her into the yard, saying, “Next time you’ll remember not to
put ideas into children’s heads – cry, mourn, laugh – well I’ll teach you,” –
he’s carrying Gloria (who is never a little child herself) under his arm like
a sack of grain. He’s striding across the dark yard to the pigeon house – he
fumbles with the lock, opens the door and yells, “Inside, you can stay with
the birds until you learn to obey me.”
The strangest thing happens all I can see of Gloria are her eyes flashing
and there’s fear in two eyes but one (the third eye) is twinkling and
winks at me – this is where I start to feel “it’s all over” – and then I’m in that
pigeon house – hammering my fists against the door – frantically shouting and screaming and suddenly the shack is filled with the sound of frightened
birds slamming against me.
I don’t want to remember any more of this dream- too many emotions
that I’m not sure of are going on in me – will talk to you later – help, please.

Gloria’s Helper 


A Guardian Angel Appears

Gloria Rising pgs. 56-58

Wednesday night

Dear Adam,

Thanks for gently turning us around, we were trapped – in an emotional
dead end – stuck in an emotional trap like a wild frightened animal,
with intense feelings of humiliation, shame, grief, anger, hate, helplessness, and hopelessness the little girl felt – she wanted to die. Emotions need to come
out but not bursting like a dam to drown us.
Now, I’m in a state of relaxation after having several nightmares – one
dream started out to be beautiful. I was with little Gloria and we were in
the children’s ward of a hospital when a nurse met us and led us down the
hall to what seemed an empty room – then we saw a basket like crib and the
nurse lifted a small baby wrapped in a blanket and she place the baby into
little Gloria’s arms. Gloria held the infant as if she were holding a great
treasure and tenderly touched its cheek – there was no separation between
her and the child – they were one – and her arms closed around it. She
looked at me as if unable to explain her feelings of bliss and joy – no words
were adequate for the sensations of that moment but I knew how joyful she
felt – the child was an object of love and he had a mission in life – to draw
out love and care, to make people gentle toward him – towards each other.
Little Gloria, sat in a rocker, and no sooner had the rocking commenced
than the baby’s eyes opened. The brown eyes looked straight at her and in
miraculous transformation melted in a conspiratorial smile as mouth tilted
and cheeks spread with new found happiness – gurgling the baby grabbed
little Gloria’s finger – she didn’t stand a chance. She fell in love with a little
baby and that baby knew it. It could be said that God was in that baby asking
to be loved because as Christ said, “Whatever you do to the least of my
little ones you do to me.” I felt very happy as I watched little Gloria rocking
that small bundle in her arms (knowing it was Joshua – her sister’s baby,
she could not resist – knowing he innocently had helped her love again) – if
I had known the nightmare that was to follow – well that’s another dream
and I’ll keep it separate from this one.

Same night – Wednesday

Hi again,
I’ll attempt to tell you of another dream we had tonight – it was
about Gloria but I knew I was dreaming it too. I found myself in an
almost featureless wilderness – a land of snow and ice. I lost Gloria that is one minute she was there – the next I was alone, scared, frightened
but strangely excited by the solitude and bleakness of my surroundings. I
sensed that some great secret lay just out of sight – I was a little upset too
because I felt if I discovered this secret, I’d be doing so at deadly peril –
snow swirled all around me – it became difficult to see ahead of me farther
than a few feet away – suddenly someone appeared out of the whiteness.
I didn’t recognize the person but the person seemed to know me – then
I could see that it was a man very tall and thin, and he held something
like a large circle in his hands and this circle had lines radiating from the
center of it like the spokes of a wheel. Then Gloria appeared next to him
and though she appeared like herself at first then I noticed that she had
a large single eye and her two little eyes besides – it was all very strange.
The man and Gloria beckoned that I was to follow them but I began to
feel numb and drowsy and I just let myself drop in the snow – something
was dragging me down. I heard Gloria yelling, “Wait – wait,” but a tiny
voice whispered, “This is where it ends and it doesn’t matter very much
after all,” and then the white snow turned gray and the gray turned to
black – then just as I was really beginning to relax I felt myself mysteriously
drawn up – pulled out by my wrists and I was a little girl again – too
little to understand but still I knew what was being said to me – that my
sister was down there and it was somehow my fault. The “Other” said so.
I knew I had done something terribly wrong and the sister had died and someone
was very angry at me – that was why he came into the room at night and the
blows would fall. I knew that someone had told me never to disobey again
or something terrible would happen – and I did disobey only once – what
happened? Something – terrible.
I’d better come out of this dream – something seems to be twisting
itself around my neck making it hard to breathe. I’m taking deep breathes
now (just like you told me to) and I’m okay. We’ll talk about it some other
time okay?
Gloria’s Helper

An Angel places a Third Eye on Gloria’s forehead

Gloria Rising pgs. 62-64


Sunday night

Dear Adam,

I’d better put down dreams just had before I forget the whole thing.
One was a weird experience – a child is looking for his mother and she
is nowhere to be found but while she walks around searching, she meets
several other people and each of these people ask for directions – the child
points to different streets and they go along but always leave before she has
a chance to ask where his mother is.
Then something strange happens, the child sees a volcano and coming
from there is what looks like an angel. He’s running toward the child, he
approaches and tells her not to be worried and put his hand out toward the child’s forehead and tells her, “Well look at you! Now you have three eyes.”
I am looking at the child, I see Gloria and she really has three eyes – one
in the middle of her forehead. The volcano erupts and we’re running but
the fire doesn’t seem to come our way – I see a house and I grab Gloria
and head for it – there’s a golden key in the door and it turns easily but
slowly – it is filled with a family – I look at them, children, parents, and
others and Gloria starts to talk to someone she calls “mother” – her mother
tells her, “I have always loved you, I still do,” and Gloria answers, “Do you
know I love you too?” The mother says, “Yes, my child, you have proved it
always.” – there the dream focuses on others in the family – I try to come
to understand the specific needs of each member of this family and to
accommodate the need as well as it is possible – Gloria is helping me and
others start to help us – when a child cries someone is there to hold his
hand, to hug him or talk with him; when a child stumbles someone always
comes to help him up – when he mourns someone mourns with him –
there is immense comfort in this group of people – a social order and we
know that this caring is helping them to survive – it’s a good feeling – till
we hear footsteps approaching the house – everyone is saying things like,
“Don’t worry,” – “Don’t be afraid,” – hammering fists against the door –
kicking – shouting – the door stays closed. I see Gloria – she still has her
three eyes and strangely there is fear in two eyes only – I am petrified with
fear – the door opens and someone walks up to Gloria, yanks her to her
feet and drags her into the yard, saying, “Next time you’ll remember not to
put ideas into children’s heads – cry, mourn, laugh – well I’ll teach you,” –
he’s carrying Gloria (who is never a little child herself) under his arm like
a sack of grain. He’s striding across the dark yard to the pigeon house – he
fumbles with the lock, opens the door and yells, “Inside, you can stay with
the birds until you learn to obey me.”
The strangest thing happens all I can see of Gloria are her eyes flashing
and there’s fear in two eyes but one (the third eye) is twinkling and
winks at me – this is where I start to feel “it’s all over” – and then I’m in that
pigeon house – hammering my fists against the door – frantically shouting and screaming and suddenly the shack is filled with the sound of frightened birds slamming against me.
I don’t want to remember any more of this dream- too many emotions
that I’m not sure of are going on in me – will talk to you later – help, please.

Gloria’s Helper


The Guardian Reveals A Shocking Truth

“I believe I have said this before, but it’s worth repeating. The patient’s resources stop where the therapist’s beliefs stop. It is critical that the therapist have an open mind and complete faith in the patient’s deeper resources. The most formidable and potent resources must be approached with respect, taken seriously and accepted on faith. Understand the information and knowledge shared with the therapist is entirely dependent on his or her level of development, their ability to properly use what is communicated for the patient’s or therapist’s benefit and welfare, and the level of trust and belief the resource has in the therapist. The success of their bond and their mission is founded on mutual trust, respect, and faith in each other’s abilities and potentials. Remember this!”

The Guardian

Guardian’s Uncanny Advice to Dr. Jaxon

“Something to make you think: Gloria has not reached the turning
point yet. She has only had a small glimpse at the core of the problem
which resulted in a depression; so do not make the mistake of not probing
further. The therapy must keep her going forward.”
“Because it would hurt too much to think about things she had managed
to wrap up the biggest part of her life in healing self-induced amnesia,
she buried it all in the back of her memory. When I tried to reach her and
failed, I knew the griefs of childhood persist where others fade. Inside the
woman talking so calmly in a polite tone is a small child who has never
been given love, never has known why, and has carried a lifelong burden of
guilt and rejection because of the horrors that came with the people who
entered that life. It is all complicated, but it will fall into place. Do not make
the mistake of thinking it will be easily done—but it will be done!”
“Gloria is receptive to healing treatments which attract harmonious
vibrations into her life. Sometimes she forgets this until a need arises. Such is
this day! For two days now she has pushed off reality deliberately. I can do no
more than to say to you that two harmonious energies will always be better
than one; two spiritual seekers may accomplish anything. You will literally be
able to refashion, reshape and get reality to be harmonious with Gloria’s life.”
“… There are those who have been ill, or in misfortune for so long,
that they are afraid to get well; yet those are the ones who would become
far happier than others who have not been fortified by trials. Such is this
case. Be an open channel for love—the main ingredient—for then a healing
will automatically take place.”




Halloween’s origins can be traced back to antiquity. Most point to Samhain, a Celtic festival which commemorated the end of the harvest season and the blurring of the physical and spirit worlds, as Halloween’s forebear. Over the ages, the holiday evolved, taking on Christian influences, European myth and American consumerism. Today, Halloween is celebrated with trick-or-treating, costumes, jack-o-lanterns and scary movies—all things which would likely be unrecognizable to those who took part in the holiday’s earliest forms.

Ancient Times: Halloween Begins as Samhain

Ancient Celts, who lived 2,000 years ago in the area that is now Ireland, the United Kingdom and northern France, marked Samhain at the midpoint between the fall equinox and the winter solstice. During this time of year, hearth fires in family homes were left to burn out while the harvest was gathered. After the harvest work was complete, celebrants joined with Druid priests to light massive bonfires and pray. Celts believed that the barrier between the physical and spirit worlds was breachable during Samhain. It was expected that ancestors might cross over during this time as well, and Celts would dress as animals and monsters so that fairies were not tempted to kidnap them.

10th Century: Samhain Is Christianized

In the 7th century, the Catholic Church established November 1 as All Saints’ Day, a day commemorating all the saints of the church. By the 9th century, the influence of Christianity had spread into Celtic lands, where it gradually blended with and supplanted older Celtic rites. In 1000 A.D., the church made November 2 All Souls’ Day, a day to honor the dead. It’s widely believed today that the church was attempting to replace the Celtic festival of the dead with a related, church-sanctioned holiday. The All-Saints’ Day celebration was also called All-hallows or All-Hallowmas (from Middle English Alholowmesse meaning All Saints’ Day) and the night before it, the traditional night of Samhain in the Celtic religion, began to be called All-Hallows Eve and, eventually, Halloween. Over many centuries, the three holidays—All Saints’ Day, All Souls’ Day and Samhain—essentially merged into one: Halloween. (The Catholic Church still recognizes All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day today, and some Wiccans and Celtic Reconstructionist commemorate Samhain.)

The Middles Ages: Trick-or-Treating Emerges

In England and Ireland during All Saints’ Day and All Souls’ Day celebrations, poor people would visit the houses of wealthier families and receive pastries called soul cakes in exchange for a promise to pray for the souls of the homeowners’ dead relatives. Known as “souling,” the practice was later taken up by children, who would go from door to door asking for gifts such as food, money and ale—an early form of trick-or-treating.

19th Century: Jack-o-Lanterns Take Shape

The practice of carving faces into vegetables became associated with Halloween in Ireland and Scotland around the 1800s. Jack-o-lanterns originated from an Irish myth about a man nicknamed “Stingy Jack,” who tricked the Devil and was forced to roam the earth with only a burning coal in a turnip to light his way. People began to make their own versions of Jack’s lanterns by carving scary faces into turnips or potatoes and placing them into windows or near doors to frighten away Stingy Jack and other wandering evil spirits.

19th Century: Halloween Comes to America—And With It Comes Mischief

With the exception of Catholic-dominated Maryland and some other southern colonies, Halloween celebrations were extremely limited in early America, which was largely Protestant. It wasn’t until the mid-19th century that new immigrants— especially the millions of Irish fleeing the Irish Potato Famine—helped popularize the celebration nationally. These immigrants celebrated as they did back in their homelands—especially by pulling pranks. In the late 1800s, common Halloween tricks included placing farmers’ wagons and livestock on barn roofs, uprooting vegetables in backyard gardens and tipping over outhouses. By the early 20th century, vandalism, physical assaults and sporadic acts of violence were not uncommon on Halloween.

1930s: Haunted Houses Become a Thing

In the US Haunted or spooky public attractions already had some precedent in Europe. Starting in the 1800s, Marie Tussaud’s wax museum in London featured a “Chamber of Horrors” with decapitated figures from the French Revolution. In 1915, a British amusement ride manufacturer created an early haunted house, complete with dim lights, shaking floors and demonic screams. In the U.S., the Great Depression kickstarted the trend. By then, violence around Halloween—no doubt exacerbated by the dire economic conditions—had reached new highs. Parents, concerned about their children running amok on All Hallows’ Eve, organized “haunted houses” or “trails” to keep them off the streets.

1950s: Halloween Costumes Go Mainstream

Costumes and disguises have figured into Halloween celebrations since the holiday’s earliest days. But it wasn’t until the mid-20th century that costumes started to look like what we know them as today. Around the same time neighborhoods began organizing activities such as haunted houses to keep kids safe and occupied, costumes became more important (and less abstract and scary). They began to take the form of things children would have seen and enjoyed, like characters from popular radio shows, comics and movies. In the 1950s, mass-produced box costumes became more affordable, so more kids began to use them to dress up as princesses, mummies, clowns or more specific characters like Batman and Frankenstein’s monster.

1980s: Fears About Poisoned Halloween Candy Reach New Heights

While in general the fears about poisoned Halloween candy have been overblown, crimes involving poison have occurred. The most infamous case took place on October 31, 1974. That’s when a Texas man named Ronald O’Bryan gave cyanide-laced pixie sticks to five children, including his son. The other children never ate the candy, but his eight-year-old son, Timothy, did—and died soon after. The paranoia reached new heights in the early 1980s after a rash of Tylenol poisonings in which cyanide-laced acetaminophen was placed on store shelves and sold. After the Tylenol murders, which are still unsolved, warnings about adulterated Halloween candy increased.

Dr. Adam Jaxon “I was sailing into supernatural and uncharted territory without a sensible compass or a map.”



Sunday night

Hello, this is not Gloria’s Helper. I am Gloria’s Guardian. You asked to talk to me. It made my day! I had just come to you on my mind’s checklist; however, I have indirectly visited you before in Gloria’s dreams as an angel or a tall thin man. Something else. Understand, your work is valuable. The person doing the work is even more valuable, you. Remember the solution for long term survival is to take it one step at a time. You’re wondering if the strain is getting to Gloria. Is she beginning to show signs of mental imbalance? No! I do not think so. Gloria has been given one rare special gift for her own use only. It is only when she cannot feel she is coping, or when she is unable to pray for herself, that she uses this gift to get help. At first, she didn’t understand the value of this gift, and she used it in a commonplace way—only to wish she hadn’t. Now she is most careful in using it. It is because she asked for help that she was led to you—yes, led to you. Otherwise, she would not be here. Be not afraid! Both you and Gloria will accomplish your mission from learning together, and special blessings will be yours. As long as you can hang on, I’m hanging in there with you. Gloria is a whole book on the best traditions of survival. So are you! Why? Because two people created by God are solid proof (in your office room) that terror and the need to survive do not have to undo every virtue, such as compassion, pity, decency, loyalty and, all important, the virtue of love. Do not try to understand me— just understand that I’m briefing you to help you in this task you’ve taken on. What you are actually doing is debriefing, like combat soldiers do after a bloody battle. Remember? A hole in the ground can hardly be considered a normal human habitat. A fighter pilot who has bailed out over an island swarming with enemy troops—and lived there for several days before being rescued—will seem different to someone sleeping comfortably at home in a soft bed. In this relation, you and the person I’m talking about have a great deal in common—you are survivors. More important, you are warmhearted and human. Yes, both of you! Something to brighten your day! Chances are, today will bring great progress. Right now, it is four-twenty. How time flies when you’re having a ball. At best, Gloria’s sleep would have been fitful. At three o’clock this morning Gloria’s friend Mason died. One thing here—Gloria has made a habit of surviving the death of people she cares for by using her principle about death. Mention “the mass suicide from the reading of the Dead Sea Zealots on the eve of capture by the Romans.” It will make an impression to remind Gloria of the principle behind the survival instinct that carried her so far. The principle is, “death should not be entered like some snug harbor. Death—unless God sends for someone—should be a loud, angry refusal to surrender.” This is important to Gloria, but she does not actually know it—the principle. You mention Mason if she doesn’t; but this man died and she begins to feel a lot more today. I say, “Mason died.” I am realistic. For Gloria to say, “Mason died” means she is not feeling again. No one will make her feel sorrow, because no one knows except me and Gloria that Mason, the “bother” (not literally), she loved the most. What I tell you here must remain between us and Gloria. I am Gloria’s Guardian, and I must do what is best for her regardless of how she would look at it. I will help you also to help Gloria in other ways. I do not speak in paragraphs. I will try to talk in your language. Do not try to understand this—someday you will. Just have the faith and keep cool. “Gloria’s objective at this point is to feel with her heart,” a course of survival that will last and make history. Remember! Gloria has an important mission, and she will have all the courage needed to accomplish this mission. In this manner, I am not like Gloria’s Helper who lives mostly in the present. I can see many other things, but I cannot be used for silly things or unless called. You, Gloria and Gloria’s Helper have gone through enough to make a confirmed pessimist out of Pollyanna. Remember! The thing to fear is lack of knowledge. Ask! It will be no big problem—the Guardian will help. You are very close to a quantum leap forward and to Gloria’s goal of becoming a whole being. Suggestions to start with are: Mason’s death; Speaking in Tongues; Patti; Margaret; and Susan. Use your own talent; you will know best as you go along. Call on me first, in your sessions with Gloria, if you wish—the Guardian. Remember! Love conquers all! This is reality—love! Don’t forget the grey house. Good luck!

The Guardian

The Guardian’s sudden and profound presence, and instant omniscient involvement in Gloria’s therapy, was mystifying and, yes, frightening to say the least; yet in all reality it turned what might have been weeks, if not months, of hard therapeutic work breaking through Gloria’s psychic numbing, hopelessness, and despair into an exciting get-acquainted session between us. As a result, Gloria’s faith, hope, and optimism were unaccountably reborn while my solid grip on what I thought was reality suddenly shifted towards a greater and unknown reality. Could I possibly be in contact with an otherworldly spirit? The unfathomable question sent shivers up and down my spine. Was I talking to a ghost or spiritual being who claimed only to be LOVE and Gloria’s deceased husband? What did that mean? I tried to do a reality check but came up with no answers. I was sailing into supernatural and uncharted territory without a sensible compass or a map. And as I thoughtfully stepped into this strange spiritual world, I wondered where it would take me.

Dr. Adam Jaxon

I stand for faith, hope, charity, and love—the good things in life.

“My role is to bring you knowledge so you have the assurance and confidence you need for the work ahead of you to help Gloria reach her full potential as a human being. My job is enjoyable, a work of love and pleasure. To see two human beings become as greatly as they can be is certainly not a duty. I stand for faith, hope, charity, and love—the good things in life. You could call me a good influence. I create love and blessings.

Gloria and Gloria’s Helper are to help themselves, first of all. If they did not want to help themselves, I couldn’t help at all. What they or you get confused about, or threatens you or them, then I am able to step in by feelings of love, nature and blessings to enable you back to an optimistic nature. Instead of your being pessimistic, I help you see the truth, the reality of things, not pessimism. I have to leave you in comfort and encouraged—couldn’t leave you depressed and discouraged, then I would fail. You see the whole thing has been an optimistic act. So what we have done is an act of procreation and love. We all stuck together so Gloria didn’t commit suicide. There was always someone to pick us up. That’s how we work together as ONE.

If Gloria had enough energy left in her body, I could transmit directly to her rather than going between you and Gloria’s Helper; but she’s not ready for that anyway. She would misunderstand and think she was hearing voices or think I was another personality. This morning I am able to take energy, but not full energy. I couldn’t do that. I am allowed just so much energy;  I couldn’t take over her personality. This comes from her soul, like when you peel an onion and get different layers. The soul is the same way. You can get to different parts of the soul and this is where I come in. I couldn’t take over her personality; she was born free with free choices. This is where multiple personality goes wrong—tries to change person’s thoughts and personality. Hypnosis allows me to have access to the core of her ‘spirit.’ I mean that’s one part, might make it clearer. I get very excited when I can make someone open minded about things. Not in a glorified way. It’s my job; I took it on because I wanted to. I didn’t have to. I didn’t know if it would work, or not, but now I know it will and I am very excited about it. I hesitate to use the word ‘spirit’ because it’s part of herself. It’s not really a ‘spirit’ but herself as a whole, and it’s herself uniting herself with all the parts of the system. People would not understand the word ‘spirit’ where this is concerned. Be assured I won’t lead you wrong or astray; you will in time come to understand fully. It may be better for you not to get too curious about me for your own peace of mind. It may put doubts into your mind. Main ingredient of our work is faith. No doubts our work can progress. Every human being has guides and a guardian angel, but not like me. I am another part of Gloria who she opened her mind to. I took a lot of Gloria’s energy this morning—feel a little guilty about that. Guess she didn’t eat breakfast before she came down here.”

The Guardian

Healing and Sacred Resources

The Guardian

“I believe I have said this before, but it’s worth repeating. The patient’s resources stop where the therapist’s beliefs stop. It is critical that the therapist have an open mind and complete faith in the patient’s deeper resources. The most formidable and potent resources must be approached with respect, taken seriously and accepted on faith. Understand the information and knowledge shared with the therapist is entirely dependent on his or her level of development, their ability to properly use what is communicated for the patient’s or therapist’s benefit and welfare, and the level of trust and belief the resource has in the therapist. The success of their bond and their mission is founded on mutual trust, respect, and faith in each others abilities and potentials. Remember this!”