Category Archives: spiritual

Sade glimpsed—at a whirling golden star that arrested her attention. The Stargirls’ destiny flashed through her mind, like a near death experience, challenging her sense of reality as to who they were and what they would become.

Chapter 9; pg. 47

LYN FEELING AWESTRUCK stared at Valla, now a dead planet. She
felt confused as it vanished into the inky blackness of space and a
stunning figure materialized. The emerging form mesmerized her mind.
Lyn felt on fire; she felt possessed. Was she dreaming or awake?
Bewilderment gave way to illumination when the alluring alien
pointed at the night sky. Lyn beheld a matrix of inscrutable symbols that
spiraled and formed a gleaming galaxy. She heard a commanding voice,
“Stargirls . . . Stargirls . . . Awaken!” The ineffable being touched her mind
with a radiant light; and Lyn awoke startled, bolting upright. She cried,
“Stargirls!” They all awoke to a surreal reality. Intuition, or something
beyond them that set their internal compasses for a journey into the
unknown—a journey they could not refuse.
Mad complained, “You’d think we were packing for darkest Africa
or maybe the zoo.” Teasing Sade, “Dr. Livingstone, I presume . . . or is it
bedtime for Bonzo?”
Sade snickered. “Look on the bright side—it’s neither. We don’t
have a clue.”
Mad strapped scuba and repelling gear onto the roof rack and
covered it with thick canvas, while thinking it strange that Sade insisted on
scuba gear when going into the desert.
Sade stood, gazing at the golden orb that crested the Malibu cliffs,
painting the morning sky a lacy scarlet. She marveled at how the sun
transformed the gray dawn into living color as dazzling pink clouds
unfurled to welcome the Son of Mother Earth.
She spit into her hands and rubbed them together, raising her palms
to the sun. “Father Sun, open my heart to the stars, so I may see truth.”
She closed her eyes and stared into the red hue that filled her brain while
her mind gazed beyond to something beckoning her—shamanic
Kundalini energy uncoiled from the base of her spine and exploded
from her crown chakra, a fiery ball of light that soared into the morning
sky while her earthbound body convulsed. The Flower of Life opened
within her. Her third eye used its sacred geometry to guide her astral
body. Sade felt immense joy as she left her body and planet Earth behind Her awareness expanded as she flew past the dark side of the Moon.
Sade glanced back and gasped at the bluish prominences of Earth’s
corona flaring around the moon’s rim as she transformed into a streaming
comet. The sun loomed ahead; she wondered if it was her destination.
Unexpectedly, a red apparition captivated her mind. It was larger
than Earth’s moon and brighter than any star she had ever seen. She
entered its fiery red atmosphere that softened into swirls of pale pinkish blue, and the fluid colors transformed into a cloudy rose-colored sky. She imagined the God of War’s shield, protecting the planet from radiation.
Mars’s blue-violet inner atmosphere exposed two polar ice caps with a
prominent bulge between them. The Martian North Pole was a gigantic ice sheet of iridescent swirls. Like the circular ridges of a colossal thumbprint, encircled by a vast cobalt ocean that stretched toward the Martian equator. Farther south, in the
Southern hemisphere, dense belts of lush river valleys fed the Martian
ocean while, on the distant horizon, a great highland shrouded in a
massive rain cell.
Rising skyward in the Northern hemisphere were white plumes of
smoke and ash from an enormous chain of volcanoes that towered ten
miles high. Sade reasoned it was the Tharsis region.
The dark blue sea lapped the Martian shore, a tranquil background
for the volcanoes’ volatile tempers.
The Aureole Ocean’s surging tides cut enormous orange-red bluffs
into the Martian shoreline, dotted with cotton candy beaches and shallow
emerald reefs that generated monstrous waves. She saw a brilliant beacon
of light reflected off the sea, sending signs of life back to a desolate Earth.
Toward the east, a vast tectonic crack scarred the Martian surface. Its
vertical sides were miles deep, stretching thousands of miles to the
Sade flew over dreamlike landscapes until she saw a gleaming
metropolis that towered over rolling savanna grasslands. What enthralled
her were shimmering buildings that formed a sarsen circle, each monolith
100 stories high. The roof’s sculpture curved as lentils that connected
them while an inner circle of trilithon skyscrapers soared high over the
outer ring. At its center was a perfect oval of small buildings that touched
the circle’s wall.
Slightly off the Martian city’s epicenter, a spiraling crystal tower
penetrated golden clouds while five black monolithic structures that
formed a horseshoe greeted the rising sun. Her discovery of the Martian
Citadel of Light repeated across the Martian habitable zone. Some crystal
citadels swarmed with life while others abandoned. She felt mystified by
the cities’ identical designs until their parallel geometry made her gasp and
cry, “Stonehenge!”  She heard a siren’s song that struck a chord inside her. The harmonic
chanting called Sade to a sacred circle where she saw a wraithlike stream
of light emanate from each Stargirl. They sat in a whirling-wheel of
rainbow light that formed a spinning aura.
Jill emanated an infusion of garnet and coral-red light into the
astonishing aura; Ali stunning malachite-green; Mad an exquisite citrine yellow; and Lyn delicate rose quartz light. Sade enraptured by the electromagnetic whirlwind and chanting, felt space-time shift. Her consciousness cracked and released a wisp of blue lapis-lazuli light into the sacred circle. Violet light flowed upward toward the stars and twisted into a tunnel of love that linked them to the Great Mystery. She thought,
DNA, the cosmic spiral of life.
Back on Earth, Sade’s body shook, bathed in the Earth’s morning
light; her hands trembled as her heart opened to what called her. Mad
wondered what touched her so powerfully but waited in silence to honor
the transcendent moment.
Sade felt the Stargirls’ untapped power—embodied in their life
works, colorful auras, and mysterious destinies. She found herself
chanting with them as the fiery light purified them. She realized a rite of
passage that opened their minds to their true selves. Suddenly, the
Stargirls’ heart song ended. Lyn cried out, “Great Spirit, help us find our
way; hear our cry.” Sade shape-shifted into a golden eagle, soaring above
them as Lyn’s fervent cry echoed. Sade’s heart fluttered as Spirit-Keepers
encircled them with love.
A commanding voice said, “Children of the stars, we come to grant
you your Earthly powers. Embrace your powers with love and the purity
of your hearts. You will face severe trials ahead. Be true to your quest and
your powers will defeat a great evil. Your powers are the forces of
The great voice then thundered, “Lyn, power of Spirit; Sade, of
Water; Jill, of Fire; Ali, of Earth; Mad, of Air.” The words rang true in
their hearts. Sade glimpsed—at a whirling golden star that arrested her
attention. The Stargirls’ destiny flashed through her mind, like a near
death experience, challenging her sense of reality as to who they were and
what they would become.
She soared over a pink Martian bluff where the Stargirls sang their
song of love and peace, but they had vanished.
Instead, she found a large eagle’s nest nuzzled in the bosom of a
great white tree. Five hungry eaglets peeped loudly; tiny bird voices called
out to life, filling her with joy. She then heard a loving voice, “Sade, Sade.
The Stargirls need you. It is time to go home.”
Sade felt confused about where home was. The planets seemed to
revolve around the sun as usual, but she felt something was different  about the stars as she passed the dark side of the moon toward Earth.
Dazed, she reentered the Earth’s atmosphere, burning brightly like the
meteorite that gave them their name. She thought, too much for one mind to
bear, when her spirit slammed back into her chest. She reeled and gasped
for breath.
Mad grabbed her. “Sade, are you okay?”
Sade shivered. “Don’t know—give me a moment.” She bent over
trying to catch her breath . . . she burst wide-awake. “What in the world?”
Mad said, “What’s wrong?”
“Don’t know. I feel weird. My mind is empty.”
Mad laughed. “That’s nothing new—so what happened?”
“That’s the funny thing . . . I don’t know. I do not know why you
ask. Strange, don’t you think?”
“Yes, but are you all right?”
“Yeah, I feel well.”
“Good, we have enough to deal with.”
“Wait, follow me.” She grabbed Mad’s hand, trotted down to the
sand, and picked up a stick, drawing something in the sand.
“Sade, what is that?”
“It’s what popped into my head when you asked what happened.”
They looked at a cryptic pentagram Sade had drawn in the sand.
Mad said, “That’s spooky, big sister. What does it mean?”
Sade looked again, “Hmm, something about our destiny, but my
mind draws a blank.” She took one last look. “Hurry, let’s join the
Lyn, unaware of their peculiar experience, yelled, “Hey, look at the
fireball of nuclear fusion that gives us life,” pointing to the sun.
Ali said, “Yeah, it’s a wonderful life,” as the sun’s rays warmed her.
“Do you realize the sunlight you feel left the sun 8.31 minutes ago,
traveling at the speed of light?”
Jill laid hard on the horn. “All aboard who’s coming aboard, we have
a date with destiny. Get your boney butts on board.” Her command made
them hoot with laughter, but they obeyed.
Once on board, Mad said, “Look—glorious sunbeams announcing
our journey to nowhere.” She grimaced, knowing they headed somewhere
. . . but where.
Ali awed by the iridescent beams said, “The rays of Buddha or
Jacobs’s ladder pointing the way east—which symbolizes birth, wisdom,
and enlightenment.”
Sade said, “Call me crazy, but it feels like a good omen.” She then
brooded over what she remembered from the astral plane—the star
symbol. She closed her eyes, and a radiant light filled her mind. She thought our quest begins.

Startling Automatic Letter from “something” that calls itself the Guardian



Sunday night


This is not Gloria’s Helper. I am Gloria’s Guardian. You asked to talk to me. It made my day! I had just come to you on my mind’s checklist; however, I have indirectly visited you before in Gloria’s dreams as an angel or a tall thin man. Something else. Understand, your work is valuable. The person doing the work is even more valuable, you. Remember the solution for long-term survival is to take it one step at a time. You’re wondering if the strain is getting to Gloria. Is she beginning to show signs of mental imbalance? No! I do not think so. Gloria has been given one rare special gift for her own use only. It is only when she cannot feel she is coping, or when she is unable to pray for herself, that she uses this gift to get help. At first she didn’t understand the value of this gift, and she used it in a commonplace way—only to wish she hadn’t. Now she is most careful in using it. It is because she asked for help that she was led to you—yes, led to you. Otherwise, she would not be here. Be not afraid! Both you and Gloria will accomplish your mission from learning together, and special blessings will be yours. As long as you can hang on, I’m hanging in there with you. Gloria is a whole book on the best traditions of survival. So are you! Why? Because two people created by God are solid proof (in your office room) that terror and the need to survive do not have to undo every virtue, such as compassion, pity, decency, loyalty and, all important, the virtue of love. Do not try to understand me—just understand that I’m briefing you to help you in this task you’ve taken on. What you are actually doing is debriefing, like combat soldiers do after a bloody battle. Remember? A hole in the ground can hardly be considered a normal human habitat. A fighter pilot who has bailed out over an island swarming with enemy troops—and lived there for several days before being rescued—will seem different to someone sleeping comfortably at home in a soft bed. In this relation, you and the person I’m talking about have a great deal in common—you are survivors. More important, you are warmhearted and human. Yes, both of you! Something to brighten your day! Chances are, today will bring great progress. Right now, it is four-twenty. How time flies when you’re having a ball. At best, Gloria’s sleep would have been fitful. At three o’clock this morning Gloria’s friend Mason died. One thing here—Gloria has made a habit of surviving the death of people she cares for by using her principle about death. Mention “the mass suicide from the reading of the Dead Sea Zealots on the eve of capture by the Romans.” It will make an impression to remind Gloria of the principle behind the survival instinct that carried her so far. The principle is, “death should not be entered like some snug harbor. Death—unless God sends for someone—should be a loud, angry refusal to surrender.” This is important to Gloria, but she does not actually know it—the principle. You mention Mason if she doesn’t; but this man died and she begins to feel a lot more today.I say, “Mason died.” I am realistic. For Gloria to say, “Mason died” means she is not feeling again. No one will make her feel sorrow, because no one knows except me and Gloria that Mason, the “bother” (not literally), she loved the most. What I tell you here must remain between us and Gloria. I am Gloria’s Guardian, and I must do what is best for her regardless of how she would look at it. I will help you also to help Gloria in other ways. I do not speak in paragraphs. I will try to talk in your language. Do not try to understand this—someday you will. Just have the faith and keep cool. “Gloria’s objective at this point is to feel with her heart,” a course of survival that will last and make history. Remember! Gloria has an important mission, and she will have all the courage needed to accomplish this mission. In this manner, I am not like Gloria’s Helper who lives mostly in the present. I can see many other things, but I cannot be used for silly things or unless called.You, Gloria and Gloria’s Helper have gone through enough to make a confirmed pessimist out of Pollyanna. Remember! The thing to fear is lack of knowledge. Ask! It will be no big problem—the Guardian will help. You are very close to a quantum leap forward and to Gloria’s goal of becoming a whole being. Suggestions to start with are: Mason’s death; Speaking in Tongues; Patti; Margaret; and Susan. Use your own talent; you will know best as you go along. Call on me first, in your sessions with Gloria, if you wish—the Guardian. Remember! Love conquers all! This is reality—love! Don’t forget the grey house. Good luck!

The Guardian


The Guardian’s sudden and profound presence, and instant omniscient involvement in Gloria’s therapy, was mystifying and, yes, frightening to say the least; yet in all reality it turned what might have been weeks, if not months, of hard therapeutic work breaking through Gloria’s psychic numbing, hopelessness, and despair into an exciting get-acquainted session between us. As a result, Gloria’s faith, hope, and optimism were unaccountably reborn while my solid grip on what I thought was reality suddenly shifted towards a greater and unknown reality.

Could I possibly be in contact with an otherworldly spirit? The unfathomable question sent shivers up and down my spine. Was I talking to a ghost or spiritual being who claimed only to be LOVE and Gloria’s deceased husband? What did that mean? I tried to do a reality check but came up with no answers. I was sailing into supernatural and uncharted territory without a sensible compass or a map. And as I thoughtfully stepped into this strange spiritual world, I wondered where it would take me.

Adam Jaxon

The Guardian’s Supernatural Insight into Gloria’s Crushing Depression

“Something to make you think: Gloria has not reached the turning point yet. She has only had a small glimpse at the core of the problem which resulted in a depression; so do not make the mistake of not probing further. The therapy must keep her going forward.”

“Because it would hurt too much to think about things she had managed to wrap up the biggest part of her life in healing self-induced amnesia, she buried it all in the back of her memory. When I tried to reach her and failed, I knew the griefs of childhood persist where others fade. Inside the woman talking so calmly in a polite tone is a small child who has never been given love, never has known why, and has carried a lifelong burden of guilt and rejection because of the horrors that came with the people who entered that life. It is all complicated but it will fall into place. Do not make the mistake of thinking it will be easily done—but it will be done!”

“Gloria is receptive to healing treatments which attract harmonious vibrations into her life. Sometimes she forgets this until a need arises. Such is this day! For two days now she has pushed off reality deliberately. I can do no more than to say to you that two harmonious energies will always be better than one; two spiritual seekers may accomplish anything. You will literally be able to refashion, reshape and get reality to be harmonious with Gloria’s life.”

“… There are those who have been ill, or in misfortune for so long, that they are afraid to get well; yet those are the ones who would become far happier than others who have not been fortified by trials. Such is this case. Be an open channel for love—the main ingredient—for then a healing will automatically take place.”

The Guardian

The Guardian: On the Nature of Consciousness and Awareness

“Mere consciousness is not awareness. Consciousness is of the physical brain while awareness is of the mind—this is part of the soul. Thinking and working out problems has to do with consciousness. Inner knowing—telling me that I am and I, too, exist—this awareness is the link to God, the Creator.”



Love and Goodness are the greatness gift you can give to the world and all life.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-17

Huachuma (San Pedro Cactus) — Healing The Spirit And Body

A interview with don Howard Lawler/Choque Chinchay Maestro Chacarun and Maestro Huachumero shaman of the ancient Chavin medicine plant healing of Spirit and Body.

Spiritual Quest Amazon Rainforest

Hi Beautiful People,

On September 6, 2016, I will continue my spiritual journey and quest in the world’s most biodiverse rainforest, at the SpiritQuest Shamanic Sanctuary, in the Amazon Basin, near Iquitos, Peru, along the verdant splendor of the Peruvian Amazon River. I will once again have the privilege to work with my extraordinary shamans and healers, Don Howard (Choque Chinchay) a Maestro Chacarun and Maestro Huachumero, Don Rober Acho Jarama a Maestro Banco Ayahuasquero, and Dōna Eliana an accomplished curandera.

I will be seeking ultimate truth and the healer within, and working with four legendary ‘healer-teacher’ plants that are traditional holistic medicines and agents of higher consciousness, spiritual self-realization, divine revelations, and deep healing: Ayahausca, Bobinsana, Huachuma, and Vilca. I will return on September 23, 2016. Thank you for your interest in and support of my writing.

Best Wishes
Peace and Love
Linden Morningstar


Gloria realized with the help of the Pyramid Lady that she has chosen the painful life lessons she must work on in order to ascend spiritually and fulfill her true purpose and mission in life. Gloria chose the ‘light’ and God realization over fear and darkness.


Sunday night

Dear Adam,

So many of the dreams Gloria has point out a lesson. I’m beginning to think that on earth there are no actual mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves no matter how unpleasant are necessary in order to learn what we need to know to learn; whatever steps we take they’re necessary to reach the place we’ve chosen to go. It’s like when we look back on our days, they’ve passed in a flash – time doesn’t last and nobody’s got long to live. Something bridges time and the best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it. I wonder how we would live if we were spiritually advanced. Like our curiosity about dying – once you think you’ve done it (Gloria’s first heart attack) – we think of it as jumping down a dark tunnel and with luck and the brilliant action from guardian angels we’re at that light of warmth and love which is God in all His mercy. In a dream we were with the stars tonight again except that they were green, red, and blue stars and the Pyramid Lady was there and she told me that, “Each day that I stay on my feet, each day that I see, hear, feel, and smell what everyone else does, and each night that I go to sleep in my bed, I could climb under the covers with a feeling of victory.” Sure I’d have the fear a lot but also have the victory. That’s really something to hope for isn’t it? A victory each day – what a miracle if we could feel that way each day. The lady also said that I’m doing so well. She said, “My child you’ve been through more than most could handle and come out of it so well. I marvel at your wisdom and courage and tell Adam our friend that I feel humble in the face of his wisdom, generosity of spirit and courage, also.” I felt humble too and Gloria and I, found ourselves on the beach with soft sand on our feet. We had two bad dreams also, but I thought this most important to write about and now I forgot them. See you soon.

Gloria’s Helper

Self Realization to GOD Realization

Gloria’s painful psychological and spiritual  journey of healing revealed deeper levels of consciousness that Master Yogi’s call GOD Realization. Here is  an example. More to COME.


Sunday night

Dear Adam,

In my dream tonight, I heard a voice which said, “There you are Gloria dear!” and saw the Pyramid Lady’s face light up with pleasure. Tonight I caught a good look at her and caught my breath at her loveliness. Here is exactly the kind of unforgettable beauty that has inspired great poets and artists for centuries. No one could remain unmoved by it for long. And once again found myself entirely captivated by my friend.

She said, “I’m so glad I found you today. I was dying to see you again and to talk to you.” “Yes, so was I,” I responded. “It’s about the Little Lamp that I want to talk to you.” “I’m enjoying it so much,” said I. “Yes, but you mustn’t ever be afraid when you get visions during your meditation.”

“I’m not afraid exactly but know visions sometimes have to do with mental problems,” I told her.

“Not in this specific case. These visions are mainly to enlighten you about the future. I’m very proud of the progress you and Adam are making and you don’t want anything to back you up, so don’t be upset by anything that happens out of the ordinary,” the Lady said.

Then she showed me a light that she had and it was there just like mine, and shortly after bade me goodbye and said, “We’ll meet again soon and I’ll put your worries at rest. Till then dear friend, God Bless,” and she disappeared.

I woke up wondering how strange this dream had been, her referring to the light as if she had known about it without my talking of it. How could she have known? Strange isn’t it?

Gloria’s Helper