Category Archives: psychological

Inside Gloria B’s Psyche


Gloria Rising; xxi-xxiv

Let me begin by being honest about my personal bias. I dislike, no abhor, psychiatric jargon and diagnoses, along with long-winded case histories presented in graduate schools or grand rounds of a mental hospital. They sound solicitous and scientific, and sometimes unintentionally the diagnoses and presentation take the human out of the human being. These diagnoses tend to bias the doctor’s perception and attitude, let alone the students’, towards the person discussed, reducing him or her to an commonplace pathology—no longer a living, breathing person but an ill patient requiring treatment. Moreover, in Gloria’s case, she had received multiple and different diagnoses by trained mental health professionals who could not agree on her diagnosis. Gloria appeared like a living, walking “Rorschach” ink blot test that had confounded them as they tried, in vain, to project their well-meaning interpretations on her. However, the medical model of psychiatry, I know, has value and its place in treating the actual imbalances in brain chemistry; and such was the case with Gloria whose fleeting psychotic episodes were treated effectively with small doses of Zyprexa, while the core of her psychological suffering had yet to be exposed. If her treatment had ended there, she would have only been remembered as a case number or, worse, ended up a psychiatric casualty. I being a card-carrying pragmatist chose an empirical hypnotic approach—sometimes flying by the seat of my pants—yet always utilizing what Gloria offered me, her traumatic experiences, intelligence, awareness, insights, and yes, her troubling symptoms to help heal her. My only theory was that her symptoms were the spearhead of an underlying corrective emotional experience struggling to surface which terrified Gloria, yet was the key to her recovery and healing. Here the art, skill, and understanding of the complexity of healing would take precedence over diagnoses, medicine, and scientific approaches to behavior change. A colleague chided me about my approach saying, “I had tossed caution to the wind.” But on thoughtful consideration, I could not help but chuckle at his outrageous warning. By the time Gloria was referred to me, she had been diagnosed as suffering from a rogue’s gallery of major mental illnesses including Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder, Atypical Psychosis, and Paranoid Psychosis. It’s a wonder she hadn’t wound up lost on some back ward of a state hospital doing the Thorazine shuffle. An old chum of mine just happened to be Gloria’s family physician and referred her to me saying Gloria had difficulty falling and staying asleep due to recurrent nightmares. She had reported what sounded like visual and auditory hallucinations about a girl upstairs who she thought was trying to scare and hurt her. He said she was exhibiting other strange behaviors, yelling at the upstairs neighbor and wandering around the neighborhood in the middle of the night, disoriented to her surroundings; and she had recently been found in a confused state collapsed on a pile of snow just outside her apartment. He said she was abusing her sleeping pills and, though a lovely lady, she was a handful and wished me good luck. Prior to Gloria coming to see me, I had left her plethora of diagnoses and reports on my crafts table tucked inside my DSM-IV diagnostic manual that I used for pressing garden flowers. When Gloria came in to see me, I was struck by her small stature and thick auburn hair that hung lifelessly around her drawn moist face. She looked like she hadn’t sleep or seen the light of day for some time. She looked haggard. What held my attention was her large, prominent brown eyes that displayed fear and dread. She was emotionally tense and expressed strong ambivalence about seeking help. She spoke incessantly with pressured speech about her anger at her doctor for thinking she was crazy and, worse, she feared I would. She described feeling like a concentration camp survivor who no longer had any meaning or purpose in life and anyone left who needed her. She expressed deep discouragement and hopelessness about her life and felt she had lost her will to live. However, she denied suicidal thoughts. Gloria was beside herself with fear and anger. She irately complained about a girl above her head, in the upstairs apartment, who made alarming noises: clicking, stomping, banging sounds that disturbed her sleep and terrified her. She further complained that she had visions of wild animals on her ceiling that frightened her in the night. She expressed her fear that she would go insane if she knew she was imagining the noises she heard. Despite her damning diagnoses, her distraught presentation and apprehension that teetered on panic, I had an overwhelming hunch there was something more beneath her panicky condition. I was most concerned with her mounting nightmares and dangerous sleepwalking episodes. However, because of her desperate emotional turmoil and inability to reflect on her experience with me, I decided to hypnotize her. I felt hypnosis would facilitate rapport and trust, on a deeper level, and help establish a good personal relationship with her. Given her combative stance, which reflected her deep-seated fear that I would think her crazy, I felt her unconscious offered the best solution to our budding conflict and impasse. The absurdity of my own anxious reaction to Gloria’s rising panic would only strike me funny later. I told Gloria I understood why she was upset and reminded her I was a hypnotherapist. I asked her if I could help her relax and that she would not experience or express anything she didn’t want to. I emphasized that I would protect her so that she wouldn’t experience too much distress or emotional discomfort at any one time. This simple suggestion seemed to calm her and she agreed. Her body’s response to trance was palpable as she slumped relaxed in the chair. She was a virtuoso hypnotic subject and perhaps this was the source “spontaneous trance” of her unexplained and bizarre symptoms and behavior.

Gloria was a deep hypnotic subject and I immediately accessed her unconscious that called itself the “Helper” that stated she wanted to help Gloria. She began to describe traumatic childhood experiences in disjointed sequences that Gloria had suffered. She said they were responsible for Gloria’s terror, strange visions, and erratic behavior. The Helper had access to knowledge and information beyond Gloria’s conscious awareness. She also was able to observe and reflect on Gloria’s inner experience and behavior with penetrating objectivity. She said that Gloria was giving her trouble because she was resisting and afraid of change, and that she was remembering the past too fast and becoming terrified and emotionally withdrawn. She emphasized Gloria saw no reason to live and wanted to die because she was afraid to love since she equated love with pain. Here, in our first contact, Gloria’s Helper began to outline Gloria’s psychological crisis and some of the difficulties that would lie ahead, for both of us, to reach and help Gloria. Because Gloria’s nightmares were the focal point of her terror and emotional disturbance and her emerging awareness of her underlying trauma, I suggested to the Helper that when Gloria awoke from a nightmare that she put Gloria in a trance and write down what was terrifying her, rather than Gloria being trapped in a confused state of arousal that caused her to rave at her upstairs neighbor or sleepwalk. I wanted to thwart any further perilous behavior and events. The Helper was receptive to my post-hypnotic suggestion and felt she could carry it out. At the conclusion of this session Gloria awoke feeling more relaxed and without any sign of pressured speech, fear, anger or panic that she had presented with. A good outcome, I thought. However, intuitively I felt Gloria’s therapy would be like a combat soldier, on hands and knees, deftly placing a knife in a mine field’s dirt, then gently probing to get through the maze of mines without getting blown to pieces. Likewise, I had to be vigilant not to plunge her further into madness or suicide. In our following session Gloria arrived looking perplexed holding a sealed envelope addressed to me, stating that she had found the envelope in her home but did not know who wrote it or how it got there. She brought it to me because it was addressed to me. I reassured her that she had done the right thing and should bring any further letters to me. She accepted this suggestion without question. This odd but critical development in our relationship Gloria seemed to intuitively trust. Thus, began her hypnotic dream therapy and our quest. Over the strange course of her healing journey with me, she would bring me 202 sealed letters that I would read and then conduct her hypnotherapy. Amazingly, Gloria never read one of them or ever asked what was in them. She had put her entire trust in me—had put her life in my hands— from the first day we met.

Dr. Adam Jaxon 


A Surprise Appearance: Gloria’s “Helper”



Let me begin by being honest about my personal bias. I dislike, no abhor, psychiatric jargon and diagnoses, along with long-winded case histories presented in graduate schools or grand rounds of a mental hospital. They sound solicitous and scientific, and sometimes unintentionally the diagnoses and presentation take the human out of the human being. These diagnoses tend to bias the doctor’s perception and attitude, let alone the students’, towards the person discussed, reducing him or her to an commonplace pathology—no longer a living, breathing person but an ill patient requiring treatment.

Moreover, in Gloria’s case, she had received multiple and different diagnoses by trained mental health professionals who could not agree on her diagnosis. Gloria appeared like a living, walking “Rorschach” ink blot test that had confounded them as they tried, in vain, to project their well meaning interpretations on her. However, the medical model of psychiatry, I know, has value and its place in treating the actual imbalances in brain chemistry; and such was the case with Gloria whose fleeting psychotic episodes were treated effectively with small doses of Zyprexa, while the core of her psychological suffering had yet to be exposed. If her treatment had ended there, she would have only been remembered as a case number or, worse, ended up a psychiatric casualty.

I being a card-carrying pragmatist chose an empirical hypnotic approach—sometimes flying by the seat of my pants—yet always utilizing what Gloria offered me, her traumatic experiences, intelligence, awareness, insights, and yes, her troubling symptoms to help heal her. My only theory was that her symptoms were the spearhead of an underlying corrective emotional experience struggling to surface which terrified Gloria, yet was the key to her recovery and healing. Here the art, skill, and understanding of the complexity of healing would take precedence over diagnoses, medicine, and scientific approaches to behavior change. A colleague chided me about my approach saying, “I had tossed caution to the wind.” But on thoughtful consideration, I could not help but chuckle at his outrageous warning.

By the time Gloria was referred to me, she had been diagnosed as suffering from a rogue’s gallery of major mental illnesses including Schizophrenia, Bipolar Disorder,  Atypical Psychosis, and Paranoid Psychosis. It’s a wonder she hadn’t wound up lost on some back ward of a state hospital doing the Thorazine shuffle.

An old chum of mine just happened to be Gloria’s family physician and referred her to me saying Gloria had difficulty falling and staying asleep due to recurrent nightmares. She had reported what sounded like visual and auditory hallucinations about a girl upstairs who she thought was trying to scare and hurt her. He said she was exhibiting other strange behaviors, yelling at the upstairs neighbor and wandering around the neighborhood in the middle of the night, disoriented to her surroundings; and she had recently been found in a confused state collapsed on a pile of snow just outside her apartment. He said she was abusing her sleeping pills and, though a lovely lady, she was a handful and wished me good luck.

Prior to Gloria coming to see me, I had left her plethora of diagnoses and reports on my crafts table tucked inside my DSM-IV diagnostic manual that I used for pressing garden flowers. When Gloria came in to see me, I was struck by her small stature and thick auburn hair that hung lifelessly around her drawn moist face. She looked like she hadn’t sleep or seen the light of day for some time. She looked haggard.

What held my attention was her large, prominent brown eyes that displayed fear and dread. She was emotionally tense and expressed strong ambivalence about seeking help. She spoke incessantly with pressured speech about her anger at her doctor for thinking she was crazy and, worse, she feared I would. She described feeling like a concentration camp survivor who no longer had any meaning or purpose in life and anyone left who needed her. She expressed deep discouragement and hopelessness about her life and felt she had lost her will to live. However, she denied suicidal thoughts.

Gloria was beside herself with fear and anger. She irately complained about a girl above her head, in the upstairs apartment, who made alarming noises: clicking, stomping, banging sounds that disturbed her sleep and terrified her. She further complained that she had visions of wild animals on her ceiling that frightened her in the night. She expressed her fear that she would go insane if she knew she was imagining the noises she heard.

Despite her damning diagnoses, her distraught presentation and apprehension that teetered on panic, I had an overwhelming hunch there was something more beneath her panicky condition. I was most concerned with her mounting nightmares and dangerous sleepwalking episodes. However, because of her desperate emotional turmoil and inability to reflect on her experience with me, I decided to hypnotize her. I felt hypnosis would facilitate rapport and trust, on a deeper level, and help establish a good personal relationship with her. Given her combative stance, which reflected her deep-seated fear that I would think her crazy, I felt her unconscious offered the best solution to our budding conflict and impasse. The absurdity of my own anxious reaction to Gloria’s rising panic would only strike me funny later.

I told Gloria I understood why she was upset and reminded her I was a hypnotherapist. I asked her if I could help her relax and that she would not experience or express anything she didn’t want to. I emphasized that I would protect her so that she wouldn’t experience too much distress or emotional discomfort at any one time. This simple suggestion seemed to calm her and she agreed. Her body’s response to trance was palpable as she slumped relaxed in the chair. She was a virtuoso hypnotic subject and perhaps this was the source “spontaneous trance” of her unexplained and bizarre symptoms and behavior.

Gloria was a deep hypnotic subject and I immediately accessed her unconscious that called itself the “Helper” that stated she wanted to help Gloria. She began to describe traumatic childhood experiences in disjointed sequences that Gloria had suffered. She said they were responsible for Gloria’s terror, strange visions, and erratic behavior. The Helper had access to knowledge and information beyond Gloria’s conscious awareness. She also was able to observe and reflect on Gloria’s inner experience and behavior with penetrating objectivity. She said that Gloria was giving her trouble because she was resisting and afraid of change, and that she was remembering the past too fast and becoming terrified and emotionally too fast and becoming terrified and emotionally too fast withdrawn. She emphasized Gloria saw no reason to live and wanted to die because she was afraid to love since she equated love with pain.

Here, in our first contact, Gloria’s Helper began to outline Gloria’s psychological crisis and some of the difficulties that would lie ahead, for both of us, to reach and help Gloria. Because Gloria’s nightmares were the focal point of her terror and emotional disturbance and her emerging awareness of her underlying trauma, I suggested to the Helper that when Gloria awoke from a nightmare that she put Gloria in a trance and write down what was terrifying her, rather than Gloria being trapped in a confused state of arousal that caused her to rave at her upstairs neighbor or sleepwalk. I wanted to thwart any further perilous behavior and events. The Helper was receptive to my post-hypnotic suggestion and felt she could carry it out. At the conclusion of this session Gloria awoke feeling more relaxed and without any sign of pressured speech, fear, anger or panic that she had presented with. A good outcome, I thought.

However, intuitively I felt Gloria’s therapy would be like a combat soldier, on hands and knees, deftly placing a knife in a mine field’s dirt, then gently probing to get through the maze of mines without getting blown to pieces. Likewise, I had to be vigilant not to plunge her further into madness or suicide.

In our following session Gloria arrived looking perplexed holding a sealed envelope addressed to me, stating that she had found the envelope in her home but did not know who wrote it or how it got there. She brought it to me because it was addressed to me. I reassured that she had done the right thing and should bring any further letters to me. She accepted this suggestion without question.

This odd but critical development in our relationship Gloria seemed to intuitively trust. Thus began her hypnotic dream therapy and our quest. Over the strange course of her healing journey with me, she would bring me 202 sealed letters that I would read and then conduct her hypnotherapy. Amazingly, Gloria never read one of them or ever asked what was in them. She had put her entire trust in me—had put her life in my hands— from the first day we met.

Dr. Adam Jaxon

Fear and Ignorance are but man-made Limitations: The Guardian

“Hypnosis’ is a means to reach the unconscious mind after a state of relaxation by self-induction, but with the help of the hypnotist. When used wisely, this can allow problems or blocks to be released—or clarified. But be sure you like each other’s vibrations, and a bond of trust must exist between the two involved. I am sure you know all this—just to remind you why you can make great progress with Gloria. Some day you will understand this a lot better.

People are learning that fear and ignorance are but man-made limitations. It behooves all to improve psychic abilities. Shun discouragement. In important work there are backwards steps as well as progress.

Gloria has attracted confused and weakened souls all her life, like bees to pollen; and these souls gathered strength and insight because of her understanding. I was one of those souls; all that I am, I owe to her.

Remember, share the interests. You are providing the tools of growth that will mean the difference of a role of a normal person and that of a being who will be capable of soaring wondrous heights.”

The Guardian

Gloria Rising Sneak Peek

“For now, I will say that God endowed humans with a great many powers and forces, and some of the creative, constructive powers can only be passed on through channels of others.” The Guardian

The Guardian’s First Startling and Profound Message to Dr. Adam Jaxon

“If you do not believe in Gloria—she’s sensitive—it would do her harm.”
“Something you have to know—Gloria is developing a great
respect for what you are teaching her. I am determined to take care of her.
She must rely on it—an outlook she can get from the reassurance that will
flow through her from within.”
“A swift dart of memory and she will recall how she has again closed
herself against pain. Gloria’s Helper must be made to peer into a time of
loss without anguish. It has to come from this source, Gloria’s Helper, to
be of any help – the dates—November 26 and November 27. I will help.”
“No cause for alarm! My work is not your work. Gloria’s progress is
based on the therapy of your concern, devotion, and skill. I merely try to
“Must remind you that Gloria and Gloria’s Helper have acquired more
in her life span than many of us ever do. Something sustained her—a philosophy,
a way of life much simpler than any we might practice here; and
because it is and was so simple, it may be that it was more advanced—it got
her through horrors most do not live through.”
“Gloria’s Helper is an inner source who leads her to beautiful thoughts
and peaceful places, while I seem to have a source and give her an intuition
that tells her whatever she needs to know.”

The Guardian’s First Startling and Profound Messages to Dr. Adam Jaxon

“For now, I will say that God endowed humans with a great many powers and forces, and some of the creative, constructive powers can only be passed on through channels of others.”

The Guardian

“In case you don’t know , I must share a secret with you that the Guardian was Gloria’s deceased husband and spirit guide, Greyson, a shocking fact that even I had a hard time wrapping my mind around.”

Dr. Adam Jaxon

The Guardian’s First Startling and Profound Messages to Dr. Adam Jaxon

“If you do not believe in Gloria—she’s sensitive—it would do her harm.”
“Something you have to know—Gloria is developing a great
respect for what you are teaching her. I am determined to take care of her.
She must rely on it—an outlook she can get from the reassurance that will
flow through her from within.”
“A swift dart of memory and she will recall how she has again closed
herself against pain. Gloria’s Helper must be made to peer into a time of
loss without anguish. It has to come from this source, Gloria’s Helper, to
be of any help – the dates—November 26 and November 27. I will help.”
“No cause for alarm! My work is not your work. Gloria’s progress is
based on the therapy of your concern, devotion, and skill. I merely try to
“Must remind you that Gloria and Gloria’s Helper have acquired more
in her life span than many of us ever do. Something sustained her—a philosophy,
a way of life much simpler than any we might practice here; and
because it is and was so simple, it may be that it was more advanced—it got
her through horrors most do not live through.”
“Gloria’s Helper is an inner source who leads her to beautiful thoughts
and peaceful places, while I seem to have a source and give her an intuition
that tells her whatever she needs to know.”
“Something to make you think: Gloria has not reached the turning
point yet. She has only had a small glimpse at the core of the problem
which resulted in a depression; so do not make the mistake of not probing
further. The therapy must keep her going forward.”
“Because it would hurt too much to think about things she had managed
to wrap up the biggest part of her life in healing self-induced amnesia,
she buried it all in the back of her memory. When I tried to reach her and
failed, I knew the griefs of childhood persist where others fade. Inside the
woman talking so calmly in a polite tone is a small child who has never
been given love, never has known why, and has carried a lifelong burden of
guilt and rejection because of the horrors that came with the people who
entered that life. It is all complicated but it will fall into place. Do not make
the mistake of thinking it will be easily done—but it will be done!”
“Gloria is receptive to healing treatments which attract harmonious
vibrations into her life. Sometimes she forgets this until a need arises. Such is
this day! For two days now she has pushed off reality deliberately. I can do no
more than to say to you that two harmonious energies will always be better
than one; two spiritual seekers may accomplish anything. You will literally be
able to refashion, reshape and get reality to be harmonious with Gloria’s life.”
“… There are those who have been ill, or in misfortune for so long,
that they are afraid to get well; yet those are the ones who would become
far happier than others who have not been fortified by trials. Such is this
case. Be an open channel for love—the main ingredient—for then a healing
will automatically take place.”
“Regard a mistake as an experience, not as darkness but as dawn.”
“A failure conquered is a lesson in life.”
“I remind you that the problem of tomorrow cannot be solved without
the experience of today.”
“This world is really blind—hypnosis was quackery, the first operation,
and the development of ether—everything has to have a first start.”
“Gloria’s very weak, but she is not insane. Do not be alarmed by what
she says.”
“If Gloria’s Helper thought logically, there would be things she
wouldn’t say.”
“I’ll try not to get myself mixed up in this but only tell you where you
make mistakes. It’s your talent—otherwise, I would be like a mother trying
to solve a problem for her daughter.”
“She’s starting to find out she’s worth something. As depressed as she is
feeling, she’s positive about others, herself.”
“When you grow to full potential, you can see every person, race as a
person. You have enough compassion, enough grasp of good and bad; at
the core you can reach the good in even the worst person—more you give
to others, more you get, the Law of Nature.”
“Both Gloria and Gloria’s Helper are very miserable. Understand one
thing: they’re feeling sorry for themselves, functioning together, agree the
world is a miserable place.”
“Two lovable characters, can be too much. Don’t worry about them
going crazy; worry they’ll drive you crazy.”
“Don’t take on her anxieties, protect yourself.”

Excerpts from the Guardian



Special Goodreads Book Giveaway: Enter To Win

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Goodreads Book Giveaway

Gloria Rising by Linden Morningstar

Gloria Rising

by Linden Morningstar

Giveaway ends August 31, 2016.

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Dr. Adam Jaxon receives a startling message from the Guardian

The Guardian offers Dr. Adam Jaxon unexpected insight with respect to his astonishing mission on earth.

“My role is to bring you knowledge so you have the assurance and confidence you need for the work ahead of you to help Gloria reach her full potential as a human being. My job is enjoyable, a work of love and pleasure. To see two human beings become as greatly as they can be is certainly not a duty. I stand for faith, hope, charity, and love—the good things in life. You could call me a good influence. I create love and blessings.

Gloria and Gloria’s Helper are to help themselves, first of all. If they did not want to help themselves, I couldn’t help at all. What they or you get confused about, or threatens you or them, then I am able to step in by feelings of love, nature and blessings to enable you back to an optimistic nature. Instead of your being pessimistic, I help you see the truth, the reality of things, not pessimism. I have to leave you in comfort and encouraged—couldn’t leave you depressed and discouraged, then I would fail. You see the whole thing has been an optimistic act. So what we have done is an act of procreation and love. We all stuck together so Gloria didn’t commit suicide. There was always someone to pick us up. That’s how we work together as ONE.

If Gloria had enough energy left in her body, I could transmit directly to her rather than going between you and Gloria’s Helper; but she’s not ready for that anyway. She would misunderstand and think she was hearing voices or think I was another personality. This morning I am able to take energy, but not full energy. I couldn’t do that. I am allowed just so much energy;  I couldn’t take over her personality. This comes from her soul, like when you peel an onion and get different layers. The soul is the same way. You can get to different parts of the soul and this is where I come in. I couldn’t take over her personality; she was born free with free choices. This is where multiple personality goes wrong—tries to change person’s thoughts and personality. Hypnosis allows me to have access to the core of her ‘spirit.’ I mean that’s one part, might make it clearer. I get very excited when I can make someone open minded about things. Not in a glorified way. It’s my job; I took it on because I wanted to. I didn’t have to. I didn’t know if it would work, or not, but now I know it will and I am very excited about it. I hesitate to use the word ‘spirit’ because it’s part of herself. It’s not really a ‘spirit’ but herself as a whole, and it’s herself uniting herself with all the parts of the system. People would not understand the word ‘spirit’ where this is concerned. Be assured I won’t lead you wrong or astray; you will in time come to understand fully. It may be better for you not to get too curious about me for your own peace of mind. It may put doubts into your mind. Main ingredient of our work is faith. No doubts our work can progress. Every human being has guides and a guardian angel, but not like me. I am another part of Gloria who she opened her mind to. I took a lot of Gloria’s energy this morning—feel a little guilty about that. Guess she didn’t eat breakfast before she came down here.”

The Guardian

Gloria’s Strange Healing Power

The Lady with the spiritual third eye offers Gloria’s Helper guidance and wisdom about Gloria’s strange healing power.


 Wednesday night

Dear Adam,

I dreamed about healing tonight. The Pyramid Lady came to me and reminded me that I had had a chance to try out my gifts of healing during my year at the convent. There was a strange healing power in my hands. I could hold them a few inches above a bad cut or bad burn and within hours the cut would close over and the burn would disappear without infection. I did this over and over without the person’s knowledge. But the most perceptive would talk of it – all they felt was a strong sensation of warmth and they tried to question me about it. You brushed them off with a laugh and said, “You’re imagining things,” knowing they would never understand.

“But they were not imagining. You possess some kind of power that enables you to see what you thought as an “aura of energy” around other people. Become convinced now that each person radiates a kind of electrical discharge which you can identify, though others obviously cannot. Believe that this radiation is stronger in some people than in others. Frequently, you’ll see a faint halo around the whole body of another human being.

Occasionally, it will be so strong that it will be almost blinking. In your case it explains your healing powers. For this time speak of your gifts to no one except Adam,  just be content to let your destiny rest in the hands of whatever force rules your life. You have so much love to give, spiritual as well as physical. You’re able to give as long as it affords pleasure. You give with gentleness and an almost childlike innocence. Giving love where it is needed.

Do not be alarmed by this talk with you. We’ll talk again and you will come to understand all of it. Now, I must leave you, it’s been a pleasure as always.” The Pyramid Lady left and I woke up.

Gloria’s Helper



Gloria discovers a glorious place of sacred power. A healing power, she will wield with love, strength, and courage in the future. It is her souls destiny and her incarnate spirit. Beyond fear and darkness. A journey we all must take to find our true self.


 Sunday night

Dear Adam,

Gloria dreamed of a glade tonight. It was the perfect place to straighten out the muddle her life had revealed. She stumbled into the glade by accident, deep in thought, and stood in its center slowly turning. It was like a little room: tall poplars and birches were the walls; their outspread branches met overhead to form a ceiling through which bits of blue showed, an old log felled long ago created a perfect bench.

Gloria who had mystery in her life began to think her glade enchanted, magical. She found an Indian arrowhead and wondered if, long ago, the Indians used this as a place of worship. They revered practical spirits, gods who lived in corn and trees and water, gods you could touch and commune with. It made me feel the old gods were still there. At least it was a quiet spot and Gloria fell under its spell; she fancied the glade had been waiting for her.

Gloria’s Helper


Gloria realized with the help of the Pyramid Lady that she has chosen the painful life lessons she must work on in order to ascend spiritually and fulfill her true purpose and mission in life. Gloria chose the ‘light’ and God realization over fear and darkness.


Sunday night

Dear Adam,

So many of the dreams Gloria has point out a lesson. I’m beginning to think that on earth there are no actual mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves no matter how unpleasant are necessary in order to learn what we need to know to learn; whatever steps we take they’re necessary to reach the place we’ve chosen to go. It’s like when we look back on our days, they’ve passed in a flash – time doesn’t last and nobody’s got long to live. Something bridges time and the best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it. I wonder how we would live if we were spiritually advanced. Like our curiosity about dying – once you think you’ve done it (Gloria’s first heart attack) – we think of it as jumping down a dark tunnel and with luck and the brilliant action from guardian angels we’re at that light of warmth and love which is God in all His mercy. In a dream we were with the stars tonight again except that they were green, red, and blue stars and the Pyramid Lady was there and she told me that, “Each day that I stay on my feet, each day that I see, hear, feel, and smell what everyone else does, and each night that I go to sleep in my bed, I could climb under the covers with a feeling of victory.” Sure I’d have the fear a lot but also have the victory. That’s really something to hope for isn’t it? A victory each day – what a miracle if we could feel that way each day. The lady also said that I’m doing so well. She said, “My child you’ve been through more than most could handle and come out of it so well. I marvel at your wisdom and courage and tell Adam our friend that I feel humble in the face of his wisdom, generosity of spirit and courage, also.” I felt humble too and Gloria and I, found ourselves on the beach with soft sand on our feet. We had two bad dreams also, but I thought this most important to write about and now I forgot them. See you soon.

Gloria’s Helper