All posts by Linden Morningstar

About Linden Morningstar

Linden Morningstar, author of Gloria Rising, has had extensive experience as a hypnotherapist and licensed marriage and family therapist, which adds depth and realism to his story. He is also the author of The Starlight Prophecy, a science fiction and fantasy novel about alien worlds and super heroines. He writes to explore the mysteries of life and the mysterious connections between the mind, universe, and the mystical. He lives with his cherished wife and four cantankerous, high-maintenance, and lovable cats in southern California.

The Many Lives of Linden Morningstar: Part 4

Linden CS2
Indie Author of The Starlight Prophecy

It would be the joyous births of his five granddaughters and the reality of alternate realities and otherworldly beings that would inspire him to become an author and write his debut  novel  The Starlight Prophecy.

He wrote The Starlight Prophecy to explore the mysteries of the universe and possibilities of life our human intelligence has pondered since ancient antiquity. Who are we? Where did we come from? Are we alone?”

Linden says, “I am something of a dreamer and look for the bizarre, the extreme, and the exceptions in what we collectively call reality. I am a seeker of truth.

The Many Lives of Linden Morningstar: Part 3

When Linden returned from the Vietnam war, he resumed his college studies but changed his major from Electrical Engineering to Psychology. The war had decisively changed him. He learned the hard way about the reality of war and what it did to people. He was appalled by the horrendous cost in human life both military and civilian,  and the physical and psychological toll it inflicted on the wounded and survivors. He learned a valuable lesson to respect all life, even his enemy.  His long journey as a wounded warrior and healer had begun.

Hand of a Healer

Linden graduated summa cum laude from Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts with a Master’s Degree and Certificate of Advance Graduate Studies in Psychology and Counseling. He was a licensed Marriage and Family therapist specializing in clinical hypnosis. He worked in private practice, community mental health, and in psychiatric hospitals. He also used his knowledge of hypnosis to treat patients suffering from physical pain and a variety of life threatening medical conditions.

Linden discovered the spiritual power of healing through his hypnotic experiences and altered states of consciousness.  He realized that hypnosis like shamanic healing had the power to open doorways to otherworldly realities and healing powers beyond our contemporary understanding of the mind.

The Starlight Prophecy book giveaway

Enter to WIN one of three autographed copies of The Starlight Prophecy


Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Starlight Prophecy by Linden Morningstar

The Starlight Prophecy

by Linden Morningstar

Giveaway ends November 23, 2015.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

The Many Lives of Linden Morningstar: Part 2


Linden grew up in the coastal city of Ventura, California where his love for surfing taught him to become one with nature. He attended Ventura Community College and majored in Electrical Engineering where he excelled as an engineering student and won awards.

Although, he had a student deferment, he chose to enlist in the U.S. Army and volunteered for Special Forces and Vietnam. Prior to his deployment to Vietnam, he married and fathered the first of two sons.

Special Ops WP
Proud Young Green Beret

Linden as a young Special Forces sergeant in Vietnam was involved in hazardous reconnaissance missions deep behind enemy lines. He served with C Company Airborne Rangers, 75th Infantry and MACV-SOG, 5th Special Forces Group.

Honorable Warrior “Happy to be Alive” Central Highlands, Vietnam, 1969

When he returned from the Vietnam war, he resumed his college studies but changed his major from Electrical Engineering to Psychology. The war had decisively changed him. He learned the hard way about the reality of war and what it did to people. He was appalled by the horrendous cost in human life both military and civilian,  and the physical and psychological toll it inflicted on the wounded and survivors. He learned a valuable lesson to respect all life, even his enemy.  His long journey as a wounded warrior and healer had begun.

The Many Lives of Linden Morningstar: Part 1


Land of Cotton
Land of Cotton

Kern County, California, the land of “White Gold,” cotton 1950’s

Linden Morningstar was born in 1948 in Lamar, Missouri. Soon after his birth, his mother and step-father took him and his older sister to the “Promised Land” of California in the hope farmer’s fields were bountiful and jobs plentiful. His parents worked the fields around Bakersfield, California, picking back-breaking potatoes, cotton (White Gold), and apples as far away as Washington State. Linden thrived in the balmy heat of his new home and loved to get his hands dirty playing in the fertile soil. Where dirt mixed with his imagination made him happy.

Playing in the Dirt
Little Hands Creating Imaginary Worlds


Self publishing can be treacherous. Beware of boiler room publishing and marketing operations that promise you the world; promise unrealistic marketing reach and sales and scams that try to take advantage of your trust and naivete then disappear with your money. The sales assault comes from many directions by phone, snail mail, email, the internet, blogs, and Twitter to name a few.

Buyer beware do your due diligence before shelling out your hard earned money to an unknown company or service. One suggestion is to do an internet search on any company you may be considering for author services. Look for reputable reviews from other authors who recommend the company and services and be skeptical of any company’s self references or reviews. Note whether their are any complaints about the company or reference to  scams, rip-offs, or fraud.

I always look for a Better Business Bureau reference and a physical address and phone number that I can verify.  Any company operating out of a P.O Box or an Internet website without a verifiable address and contact phone number, I reject. Example, after publishing Gloria Rising, I received an unsolicited marketing sales pitch from India. Yeah, right! As David Hannum said, “There’s a sucker born every minute.” I also avoid any author service that hounds me or has an overbearing sales pitch or what it offers sounds too good to be true. Anything that is unsolicited or looks like spam, I ignore like the plague.

My kindred spirits, brothers and sisters, watch out for yourselves! The book publishing and marketing world’s priority and bottom line is profit not YOU.

Special Premiere Gloria Rising

Native Cover.5647282_Kindle Front Cover

Special Premiere of Gloria Rising


U.S. Trade Paperback Edition, 300 pages

Kindle Edition coming soon

Psychological Thriller, Paranormal, and Women’s Fiction

Gloria Rising is a trailblazing novel that takes you beyond the intriguing multiple personalities of Sybil and The Three Faces of Eve to indescribable terror and horror—and to something more astonishing that defies the precepts of modern psychology and psychiatry. Legendary hypnotherapist, Dr. Adam Jaxon, is on a quest to rescue and heal his mystifying and perplexing patient, Gloria B., from the brink of madness and from horrifying nightmares. Gloria’s riveting story is told under deep hypnosis where her unconscious mind automatically writes down the terrifying details of her nightmares, to expose a shocking truth that may set her free or plunge her deeper into madness. Gloria’s automatic letters are compelling and heart-wrenching yet open the doors of perception to a deeper awareness and consciousness she needed to solve the puzzle of her escalating madness and to uncover the dark secrets buried in her nightmares—a mystery that Gloria is terrified to face, but must, to escape madness and reclaim her life.

Quotes from Gloria’s Helper (Gloria’s unconscious mind) and from Beyond

“Something strange happens about dreams that Gloria has – the real world seems to get mixed up into the dreams and the dreams seem all the more real – with part of your mind you’re aware of what’s going on around you, but part of your mind is drifting and things start to get mixed up. What I’m trying to say is that the human mind has developed a safety valve and dreaming is really the unconscious mind (me in this case) clearing up the debris it has otherwise been unable to cope with on the conscious level – if this is so, then tonight’s dreams became like “a horror show” in which Gloria and I were literally imprisoned.”

Gloria’s Helper

“I can’t consider you a thief or a likely candidate for prison or a nervous breakdown Gloria. I sense a real strength in you more strength than you know is there – you’ve got internal reserves that ability to cope and to keep coping. Now remember don’t let anyone tell you otherwise. I’ll help.”

Pyramid Lady

“For now, I will say that God endowed humans with a great many powers and forces, and some of the creative, constructive powers can only be passed on through channels of others.”

The Guardian

Goodreads Book Giveaway

Gloria Rising by Linden Morningstar

Gloria Rising

by Linden Morningstar

Giveaway ends November 02, 2015.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway

Linden Morningstar’s books on Goodreads

The Starlight Prophecy The Starlight Prophecy

reviews: 5 ratings: 9 (avg rating 3.56)
 BUY NOW! $8.99

U.S. Trade Paperback Second Edition, 252 pages:

$2.99 to buy Amazon Kindle Second Edition:

Gloria Rising a Psychological and Paranormal Thriller: Goodreads Giveaway Contest

ENTER Goodreads Giveaway to WIN One of two Autographed copies of Gloria Rising

I would encourage friends and fans to visit my website and “like” my website and Author Facebook page

Also, through Goodreads a free and very popular book reader website, I am offering a giveaway and chance to win one of two autographed copies of Gloria Rising. Just scroll down the Escape from Madness page and click ENTER GIVEAWAY, (Begins 9/23/2015 and Ends 11/9/2015) if you are not a member of Goodreads it’s free and easy to sign up. I recommend any book lover to be a member. I want to thank my fans and friends for your support.

Premiere Book Signing

Book Signings

I am pleased to invite my family, fans, and friends to an exciting book signing event.  All in attendance will be eligible to win ONE of TWO Autographed copies of both Gloria Rising and The Starlight Prophecy in my book signing giveaway. Everyone will receive free Gloria Rising bookmarks.  Please come and enjoy the fun. I will be answering questions about my novels and writing. Look forward to sharing this once in a lifetime opportunity with you.

Gloria Rising

Premier Book Signing Event
Bank of Books 748 E. Main Street
Ventura, California

1:00 to 3: PM

The Starlight Prophecy

Premier Book Signing Event
Bank of Books 748 E. Main Street
Ventura, California

1:00 to 3: PM

Gloria Rising Preview


I struggled to keep my writing hand steady. It trembled as if detached from my body. I frantically scribbled down this note after finishing Gloria’s manuscript out of fear of a terrifying premonition that I would not awaken to see the dawn. This whole experience has been as if I had awoken from a nightmare, but it wasn’t my nightmare—it was real—too real to have imagined, let alone lived through and survived. I am Dr. Adam Jaxon, and if by chance you are reading this, I am already dead.

I was a renowned and distinguished hypnotherapist and treated thousands of people in my lifetime, but Gloria B’s electrifying hypnotherapy captivated and stunned me. Unfortunately, I was reluctant to share her terrifying and heart-wrenching story for fear no one would believe the otherworldly powers that literally came to guide and help me heal her. I feared my old associates would think I had gone senile or worse mad.

Now I feel ashamed for being such a coward, for allowing myself to be controlled by the homogenized expectations of my profession and being paralyzed by irrational fears that I would be scorned and rejected, if I spoke my mind. I now feel shame and guilt that my arrogance and fear got the best of me and nearly bankrupted my morals and destroyed me.

After all Gloria and I had been through, I could not live with the thought that, in the end, I had betrayed her trust and let her down. But thanks to her endearing memory and loving spirit, I came to my senses while gazing at my image in a mirror. I flew into a rage and smashed the pathetic image with my wine glass into a million pieces; blood trickled down my wrist, but I didn’t care. I shouted, “To hell with my ego and reputation,” over and over again, until my voice grew too hoarse to scream anymore.

I yielded to my guilty conscience to write her story that I had promised her. Besides, my health was failing, and Gloria’s story was too momentous and meaningful to be forgotten and buried in my cold grave. So I feverishly wrote over the past year, and finally finished the manuscript this very night—just days before my 100th birthday.

But alas, this morning, I sensed a chilling premonition that I would not be here to celebrate it. So I left the precious manuscript, and this postscript, on my oak writing desk with a poignant note and scrupulous instructions for its publication, for my daughter to find. It would be my last fond gesture and chance to share my lifeworks with her, albeit, beyond the grave.

I know if I died tonight, I would die a happy man at peace with myself knowing Gloria’s story would finally be told—a mysterious and astonishing story that defies the timeworn precepts of modern psychology and psychiatry—where insanity, genius, the metaphysical, and the mystery of life come together to beguile and confound our contemporary understanding of the mind and its limitless powers to heal.

 Dr. Adam Jaxon