All posts by Linden Morningstar

About Linden Morningstar

Linden Morningstar, author of Gloria Rising, has had extensive experience as a hypnotherapist and licensed marriage and family therapist, which adds depth and realism to his story. He is also the author of The Starlight Prophecy, a science fiction and fantasy novel about alien worlds and super heroines. He writes to explore the mysteries of life and the mysterious connections between the mind, universe, and the mystical. He lives with his cherished wife and four cantankerous, high-maintenance, and lovable cats in southern California.

Mother Earth




Gloria realized with the help of the Pyramid Lady that she has chosen the painful life lessons she must work on in order to ascend spiritually and fulfill her true purpose and mission in life. Gloria chose the ‘light’ and God realization over fear and darkness.


Sunday night

Dear Adam,

So many of the dreams Gloria has point out a lesson. I’m beginning to think that on earth there are no actual mistakes. The events we bring upon ourselves no matter how unpleasant are necessary in order to learn what we need to know to learn; whatever steps we take they’re necessary to reach the place we’ve chosen to go. It’s like when we look back on our days, they’ve passed in a flash – time doesn’t last and nobody’s got long to live. Something bridges time and the best way to pay for a happy moment is to enjoy it. I wonder how we would live if we were spiritually advanced. Like our curiosity about dying – once you think you’ve done it (Gloria’s first heart attack) – we think of it as jumping down a dark tunnel and with luck and the brilliant action from guardian angels we’re at that light of warmth and love which is God in all His mercy. In a dream we were with the stars tonight again except that they were green, red, and blue stars and the Pyramid Lady was there and she told me that, “Each day that I stay on my feet, each day that I see, hear, feel, and smell what everyone else does, and each night that I go to sleep in my bed, I could climb under the covers with a feeling of victory.” Sure I’d have the fear a lot but also have the victory. That’s really something to hope for isn’t it? A victory each day – what a miracle if we could feel that way each day. The lady also said that I’m doing so well. She said, “My child you’ve been through more than most could handle and come out of it so well. I marvel at your wisdom and courage and tell Adam our friend that I feel humble in the face of his wisdom, generosity of spirit and courage, also.” I felt humble too and Gloria and I, found ourselves on the beach with soft sand on our feet. We had two bad dreams also, but I thought this most important to write about and now I forgot them. See you soon.

Gloria’s Helper

Gloria discovers Energy Healing in a precognitive dream

A ray of spiritual light cut through the darkness and mayhem of Gloria’s mind as if a lotus flower emerging from muddy water. She saw herself in the future. She saw who she would become.


Wednesday night

Hi again,

I fell asleep and as I slept I formed an image in my mind – the picture of a flame, a single golden flame burning gently from its source; all around the flame there was darkness. My mind filled with the vision of the burning golden flame until I could feel its warmth and could hear the soft murmur of its energy.

Concentrating on the flame, the flame that burned at the core of my soul, I slowed my breathing and forced my body to relax. It was a process that felt as if it took hours, but which took only minutes, the gathering of my strength and the centering it on that flame. To those who watched me, my face betrayed some of the intense concentration inside my mind.

Those who watched me were doctors and they said I seemed to have gone to sleep; there was no evidence of the forces slowly building up in me. They said they watched me as I lay my hands directly on the writhing body of a man, my hands moved at first in a small circle, then gradually widening until they traced a path in the air the length of his body.

When my hands stopped, the man who was dying stirred and opened his eyes. The doctors asked me, “What did you do?” But I didn’t know all I felt was the flame’s heat.

Gloria’s Helper

An Astral Trip brings Gloria closer to Self Realization

Gloria had to face the terrible events that had left her with a lifetime depression. She had to clear the emotional and mental chaos and debris from her mind to find the inner calmness and peace that would lead her to Self Realization and beyond.


Wednesday night

Dear Adam,

Gloria’s dream tonight was a strange one. A whole group of people were waiting to go on an astral voyage. The woman in front of Gloria was very nervous. Waiting in the departure lounge, while others stood around in small groups talking or reading magazines – she paced. She would walk up to a travel poster about space, stare at it, and then move away probably without having seen the poster at all. She could not rest and she was not alone. When the launch was called she walked into the open air and as we all saw for the first time, in the distance, the vehicle that would carry everyone into orbit. Gloria knew that she was on Earth and was going on an astral trip and not into space like the others. She sympathized with them leaving yet she felt superior – imagine not knowing the difference between a voyage into space and one in astral projection. Suddenly, we we’re aware that the Pyramid Lady was there. She said that every effort had been made for an astral trip to our old place when Gloria was seven years old and that only one thing would be shown to us but it was very important to be prepared for a shock and she was right – it was like a slide projector clicked inside our head unrolling a scene from Gloria’s past life.

The “Other” was in the room we came upon – I will never forget his expression, the wide dark empty look in his eyes, the dead pallor of his face, the rigid lips, the tightened skin of his features – as if a death mask were already upon him. He said nothing to Gloria. He pointed to something on the floor – it was a dog – it wasn’t black and white as it should have been it was sludge colored and its coat was stiff and spiky. It was plainly dead. He began to talk – he said, “I got real mad at that dog and bent down and scooped him up and threw him into the deep-fryer; I fried that dog he wouldn’t disobey me again.” He said a lot more about the dog screaming and said it was unbelievable but Gloria was so shocked that she didn’t hear anymore and the Pyramid Lady came in and took her out. She said, “She had warned her that she’d be shocked but it was necessary that she take that trip or she’d never remember the rest.”

Whatever the “rest” means I don’t want to know if it’s anything like this. To say we were shocked is putting it mildly, we still can’t believe we had such a dream or astral trip and hope this is the last astral trip we take to Gloria’s childhood. I hope we haven’t shocked you by retelling it but it seemed important to talk of it. See you tomorrow.

Gloria’s Helper

Vietnam War and “My” 50th Anniversary: A Story of survival and SADNESS

Think about all wars and conflicts and humanity’s suffering and how we can stop the MADNESS. Tears and sadness are the legacy of my war.

Linden MorningstarVietnam

Self Realization to GOD Realization

Gloria’s painful psychological and spiritual  journey of healing revealed deeper levels of consciousness that Master Yogi’s call GOD Realization. Here is  an example. More to COME.


Sunday night

Dear Adam,

In my dream tonight, I heard a voice which said, “There you are Gloria dear!” and saw the Pyramid Lady’s face light up with pleasure. Tonight I caught a good look at her and caught my breath at her loveliness. Here is exactly the kind of unforgettable beauty that has inspired great poets and artists for centuries. No one could remain unmoved by it for long. And once again found myself entirely captivated by my friend.

She said, “I’m so glad I found you today. I was dying to see you again and to talk to you.” “Yes, so was I,” I responded. “It’s about the Little Lamp that I want to talk to you.” “I’m enjoying it so much,” said I. “Yes, but you mustn’t ever be afraid when you get visions during your meditation.”

“I’m not afraid exactly but know visions sometimes have to do with mental problems,” I told her.

“Not in this specific case. These visions are mainly to enlighten you about the future. I’m very proud of the progress you and Adam are making and you don’t want anything to back you up, so don’t be upset by anything that happens out of the ordinary,” the Lady said.

Then she showed me a light that she had and it was there just like mine, and shortly after bade me goodbye and said, “We’ll meet again soon and I’ll put your worries at rest. Till then dear friend, God Bless,” and she disappeared.

I woke up wondering how strange this dream had been, her referring to the light as if she had known about it without my talking of it. How could she have known? Strange isn’t it?

Gloria’s Helper

Enlightenment and Self Realization

“Swan dive into the part of the self where the living spirit dwells. Let the molten rock churning at the center of the Earth let your spirit burn. Fuel it with adventure. Fuel it with love. Let it erupt in volcanic passion coming alive as it burns within giving life to the body. We are here to live, here to experience, here to be the eyes and the hands of the creative force flowing through the universe, giving it form. Let your experience guide you to the light. For once immersed, we awaken to the joy of fully living in ‘this’ world. As we break through the ancient crust of ego we realize that we are all apart of the same force experiencing our creation subjectively and on a level beyond the reach of our senses, beyond the grasp of our minds, we are all connected. We are all one.”

-Ten Finger Sound Assassin

Gloria Rising: Goodreads Giveaway Enter to WIN and ENJOY!

Begins March 14, 2016

Ends May 09, 2016

Enter to WIN One of Two autographed copies of Gloria Rising


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Gloria Rising by Linden Morningstar

Gloria Rising

by Linden Morningstar

Giveaway ends May 09, 2016.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

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The Starlight Prophecy: Goodreads Giveaway Enter to WIN and ENJOY!

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Begins March 14, 2016

Ends May 09, 2016

Enter to WIN One of Two autographed copies of The Starlight Prophecy


Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Starlight Prophecy by Linden Morningstar

The Starlight Prophecy

by Linden Morningstar

Giveaway ends May 09, 2016.
See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

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Think Gloria Rising: Think Self Realization

Think Gloria Rising: Think Self Realization

“I steadfastly believe that Gloria’s automatic writings, empowering voice, and epic hero’s journey will inspire you, while stoking your imagination and expanding your consciousness beyond everyday reality to recognize a greater consciousness and truth that links the spiritual and physical worlds and brings you closer to your true self.”

Dr. Adam Jaxon xvii

Dr. Jaxon’s inspirational words to the reader and Gloria’s bewildering journey to liberate herself from the shackles of impenetrable darkness and terror through hypnosis, automatic writing, and the direct experience of the divine are a powerful metaphor for seeking ultimate truth and Self Realization beyond the restrictions and limits of ego consciousness and contemporary psychotherapy techniques and understanding. Gloria’s life story takes the reader beyond the physical and emotional scarring of her childhood abuse, unconscious conflicts, and mental disorders to discover a higher consciousness and divine guidance to help her heal and find her true self and destiny.

There are many pathways to Self Realization for those who desire to experience the truth directly. Gloria’s quest is only one. However, I encourage you to read and read again Gloria Rising to discern its deeper meaning for Self Realization and the purpose of life. Hopefully, Gloria’s “Rising” will inspire you to find your own path to Self Realization and truth.

Please feel free to comment or ASK THE AUTHOR a question on my Goodreads Author page.

Peace and Love,

Linden Morningstar

“The purpose of life is to be free from suffering and to attain infinite bliss consciousness – and that is God.”

Paramahansa Yogananda