An Astral Trip brings Gloria closer to Self Realization

Gloria had to face the terrible events that had left her with a lifetime depression. She had to clear the emotional and mental chaos and debris from her mind to find the inner calmness and peace that would lead her to Self Realization and beyond.


Wednesday night

Dear Adam,

Gloria’s dream tonight was a strange one. A whole group of people were waiting to go on an astral voyage. The woman in front of Gloria was very nervous. Waiting in the departure lounge, while others stood around in small groups talking or reading magazines – she paced. She would walk up to a travel poster about space, stare at it, and then move away probably without having seen the poster at all. She could not rest and she was not alone. When the launch was called she walked into the open air and as we all saw for the first time, in the distance, the vehicle that would carry everyone into orbit. Gloria knew that she was on Earth and was going on an astral trip and not into space like the others. She sympathized with them leaving yet she felt superior – imagine not knowing the difference between a voyage into space and one in astral projection. Suddenly, we we’re aware that the Pyramid Lady was there. She said that every effort had been made for an astral trip to our old place when Gloria was seven years old and that only one thing would be shown to us but it was very important to be prepared for a shock and she was right – it was like a slide projector clicked inside our head unrolling a scene from Gloria’s past life.

The “Other” was in the room we came upon – I will never forget his expression, the wide dark empty look in his eyes, the dead pallor of his face, the rigid lips, the tightened skin of his features – as if a death mask were already upon him. He said nothing to Gloria. He pointed to something on the floor – it was a dog – it wasn’t black and white as it should have been it was sludge colored and its coat was stiff and spiky. It was plainly dead. He began to talk – he said, “I got real mad at that dog and bent down and scooped him up and threw him into the deep-fryer; I fried that dog he wouldn’t disobey me again.” He said a lot more about the dog screaming and said it was unbelievable but Gloria was so shocked that she didn’t hear anymore and the Pyramid Lady came in and took her out. She said, “She had warned her that she’d be shocked but it was necessary that she take that trip or she’d never remember the rest.”

Whatever the “rest” means I don’t want to know if it’s anything like this. To say we were shocked is putting it mildly, we still can’t believe we had such a dream or astral trip and hope this is the last astral trip we take to Gloria’s childhood. I hope we haven’t shocked you by retelling it but it seemed important to talk of it. See you tomorrow.

Gloria’s Helper