Gloria discovers a glorious place of sacred power. A healing power, she will wield with love, strength, and courage in the future. It is her souls destiny and her incarnate spirit. Beyond fear and darkness. A journey we all must take to find our true self.


 Sunday night

Dear Adam,

Gloria dreamed of a glade tonight. It was the perfect place to straighten out the muddle her life had revealed. She stumbled into the glade by accident, deep in thought, and stood in its center slowly turning. It was like a little room: tall poplars and birches were the walls; their outspread branches met overhead to form a ceiling through which bits of blue showed, an old log felled long ago created a perfect bench.

Gloria who had mystery in her life began to think her glade enchanted, magical. She found an Indian arrowhead and wondered if, long ago, the Indians used this as a place of worship. They revered practical spirits, gods who lived in corn and trees and water, gods you could touch and commune with. It made me feel the old gods were still there. At least it was a quiet spot and Gloria fell under its spell; she fancied the glade had been waiting for her.

Gloria’s Helper