Monthly Archives: April 2023


Chapter 8 pg. 44-45

BY GRAND DESIGN, the Stargirls were kept entirely in the dark as to their destiny. How an extraterrestrial prepared them, from birth, to journey beyond the Milky Way galaxy to answer an alien SOS call.

The telepathic force guided them in big dreams. One such dream forewarned, “You will face the good and bad in yourselves. Only then shall you embrace your destiny.”

Subconsciously, they knew that humans are not alone and had accepted Earth’s microscopic place in the cosmos as well as an alien prophecy’s call to arms; yet they were consciously oblivious to it and to how it would complicate their lives. The only hint of celestial influence was their burgeoning psychic abilities—obsession with the forces of nature—and haunting childhood dreams.

Lyn had emerged like a cosmic lightning bolt. Her electric powder blue eyes and spirited smile embraced life to explore the universe.

Strawberry-gold hair streamed down her shapely hips. She wore flowers in her hair, love beads, and a silver peace symbol. She preferred a natural look like a 60s hippie—willing to die for freedom.

She was a mathematics prodigy at 11 and graduated with a Ph.D. in astrobiology from UC Berkeley. Her specialty was exploring Earth-like planets. Now at 25, she had to accept Max’s death and start all over. She felt lost without him. Sitting at her buttermilk kitchen table drinking coffee, she worried what life.

Ali was jabbering about dolphins she saw on their beach walk while Lyn’s thoughts turned to Desta. She knew Desta’s breakthrough would face opposition in a world obsessed with Earth being the center of the universe. She grumbled how people trapped in Earth-centric beliefs would be the death of us all. She muttered, “Peace on Earth.”

Jill eyed Lyn with interest. “Your dream of peace on Earth should be the world’s mantra and battle cry.”

“Thanks,” she paused. “We are at the mercy of powers beyond us.”

Ali perked up and smiled. “I know how you feel. World dominance and conflicting ideologies are a dangerous stage in our evolution. What can I say? Homo sapiens have a fatal learning disability or errant DNA for mass murder and extinction. The world’s cycle of violence speaks volumes about our evolutionary pettiness. Nevertheless, life at its best is a healing journey to find ourselves—find our truth. The road to peace starts here.”

“Ali, you amaze me; I love you.”

“Sister, love is our bond and the Earth’s only hope.”

Mad sat on the fringe of their conversation, giggling over how Lyn flipped a coin to settle their disputes about the nature of reality. She would say, “Heads, its relativity—tails, it’s quantum mechanics; if the coin lands on its side, we are God’s Pinocchio dancing to superstrings.” Mad loved her analogy for the physics’ thorny questions, because it made them laugh at themselves.

Mad glanced up. “Hey, Pinocchio, lighten up, or your nose is going to grow and grow.”Lyn’s eyes brightened as she smiled thoughtfully. “Thanks.”