Monthly Archives: January 2022

The Stargirls Betrayed

Chapter 21

SADE FELT CAUGHT between a molten neutron star and the terminal edge of a massive black hole where dead suns spun, and super gravitational forces sucked her deeper into Aagaatar’s pit of torture. A terrifying thought. She had nowhere to turn, nowhere to run, nowhere to hide. She shook the desperate feeling off. She had to do something. But what Whom could she trust? Whom could she tell? Her logical choice struck her upside the head. All right, she thought, Mad it is.

Mad sat, trying to be objective, but her dubious expression spoke otherwise. “No way in hell—you’re kidding, I hope you’re kidding.” “Wish I was joking little sister. Star Talker has never led me astray, and Lyn is acting weird.” Mad wanted to protest but could not refute what Sade said, even though the thought shocked her. “Okay, what if you’re right—what can we do?”

“That’s the tragic song of my life. What to do . . . I don’t know.” “Are you convinced it’s Lyn?”

“No! Don’t get me wrong, I even suspected you.” “Whoa, I see what you mean. This is weird. Do you think it’s a mind game or mind control?”

“All I know is Aagaatar wants to turn us against each other.” They sat, dejected, looking expectantly at each other for answers while their minds turned to jelly. They stared into each other’s eyes, hoping to break the spell of indecision. Sade let go of a squeamish feeling in her gut. “Mad, I have to listen to my heart, and it tells me something’s wrong with Lyn. I must share my suspicions with Jill and Ali.”

“Right, we have to risk all to defeat Aagaatar. You talk to them, and I’ll distract Lyn.”

Sade felt guilty going behind Lyn’s back but felt there was no other way. She caught Ali and Jill coming out of the shower and said, “Can we talk?”

Ali said, “Sure, what’s up?”

“I don’t think you’re going to like this.”

Jill said, “Give it a whirl—nothing would surprise me after what we’ve been through.”

“Okay, then keep an open mind, because I had a vision.” Ali said, “A vision?”

“Yes, Star Talker’s guardian warned me that one of us would betray us.”

“Did you say a Stargirl would betray us?” Jill asked. “Yes, yes, that’s what I meant—I wish I didn’t.” Ali said, “Do you believe it?”


Jill said, “When did you find out?” “Shortly before Laya was murdered.”

Ali, offended, said, “Why didn’t you say something?”

“I wanted to, but I was too afraid. Afraid I might tell the wrong one

and she would alert Aagaatar.”

“Why tell us now?”

“I needed time to figure out who it was—that’s the part you’re not going to like. I suspected all of you, even Mad, but the evidence points to only one Stargirl.”

Jill, jolted by the implication asked, “Lyn?”

“Yes.” The crushed look on their faces pained her.

“You’re accusing my sister of plotting to destroy us?” Jill roared.

Fires burned in Jill’s eyes; it scared Sade.

“You asked for the truth; I knew it would hurt. I love Lyn and want to protect her and us. We must find a way to save Lyn and ourselves.”

Jill weighed Sade’s words. Her rage subsided. “Forgive me; the very thought eats at my soul. I am not angry with you. I’m furious at Aagaatar.”

Ali said, “What if Aagaatar has control of her?” “Do you think it’s possible?” Jill pressed.

“When it comes to Aagaatar, his powers seem limitless.” “Lyn would never betray us,” Ali’s voice quivered with fury.

“Right, she must be under his spell. I will try to tune into her.”

Jill said, “Sounds like a plan—still, I can’t believe she would betray us.”

“Did you ever think she doesn’t have a choice?” “Damn.”

Sade felt immense relief at getting the secret off her chest. Grateful her awful assertion did not fracture the Stargirls and pit them against each other. She thought the Stargirls’ spirits shined through Aagaatar’s cold- blooded psychic attack. However, the thought that Lyn was victim to Aagaatar’s power disturbed her. Lyn was the last one she imagined being possessed and capable of treachery.

(To be continued.)