Monthly Archives: January 2021

Aagaatar the Stargirls Nemesis

Jill mutely stood in the background transfixed by the size and appearance of Aagaatar, who appeared ten feet tall. He was a eunuch, with two powerful arms—one human, the other a horrendous looking black claw. His hulking, muscular body was a brilliant green with bold black streaks. A misshapen predator, she thought, perhaps a product of genetics gone amiss.

Red antennae that bristled at their torment crowned his massive head. His face was bizarrely humanoid, except for his large insect eyes. Protruding from his massive chest were teeth sharp ripsaw that viciously snapped. Jill cringed at the whirring sound . . . imagining it ripping and tearing flesh . . . made to tear a body apart while his soulless black eyes stared through her. A hellish adversary she shuddered involuntarily.

Aagaatar’s acidic voice startled her. “You are my servants sent to fulfill my Final Solution.” He raised his black claw and the Golden Star materialized. “The power of the Universe—naively delivered to me by misguided puppets. When I’m through with you, you will regret you were ever born—” But before he finished, a deadhead collided with Lyn. She saw blood oozing through her sleeve.

“Come, children of Aagaatar, let me show you the fruit of your malignant planet.” He waved his black claw and blinding light descended around them; they vanished. Lyn lost sight of the others while the light swirled around her. Her mind stretched like a rubber band until she felt it would snap—she lost consciousness.