Monthly Archives: October 2020

Guardian Speaks: “There are those who have been ill, or in misfortune for so long, they are afraid to get well…”

“Because it would hurt too much to think about things she had managed to wrap up the biggest part of her life in healing self-induced amnesia, she buried it all in the back of her memory. When I tried to reach her and failed, I knew the griefs of childhood persist where others fade. Inside the woman talking so calmly in a polite tone is a small child who has never been given love, never has known why, and has carried a lifelong burden of guilt and rejection because of the horrors that came with the people who entered that life. It is all complicated but it will fall into place. Do not make the mistake of thinking it will be easily done—but it will be done!

Gloria is receptive to healing treatments which attract harmonious vibrations into her life. Sometimes she forgets this until a need arises. Such is this day! For two days now she has pushed off reality deliberately. I can do no more than to say to you that two harmonious energies will always be better than one; two spiritual seekers may accomplish anything. You will literally be able to refashion, reshape and get reality to be harmonious with Gloria’s life.

There are those who have been ill, or in misfortune for so long, that they are afraid to get well; yet those are the ones who would become far happier than others who have not been fortified by trials. Such is this case. Be an open channel for love—the main ingredient—for then a healing will automatically take place.

Regard a mistake as an experience, not as darkness but as dawn. A failure conquered is a lesson in life. I remind you that the problem of tomorrow cannot be solved without the experience of today. This world is really blind—hypnosis was quackery, the first operation, and the development of ether—everything has to have a first start.

Gloria’s very weak, but she is not insane. Do not be alarmed by what she says. If Gloria’s Helper thought logically, there would be things she wouldn’t say. I’ll try not to get myself mixed up in this but only tell you where you make mistakes. It’s your talent—otherwise, I would be like a mother trying to solve a problem for her daughter.”
