Monthly Archives: August 2019

Fear and Ignorance are but man-made Limitations: The Guardian

“Hypnosis’ is a means to reach the unconscious mind after a state of relaxation by self-induction, but with the help of the hypnotist. When used wisely, this can allow problems or blocks to be released—or clarified. But be sure you like each other’s vibrations, and a bond of trust must exist between the two involved. I am sure you know all this—just to remind you why you can make great progress with Gloria. Some day you will understand this a lot better.

People are learning that fear and ignorance are but man-made limitations. It behooves all to improve psychic abilities. Shun discouragement. In important work there are backwards steps as well as progress.

Gloria has attracted confused and weakened souls all her life, like bees to pollen; and these souls gathered strength and insight because of her understanding. I was one of those souls; all that I am, I owe to her.

Remember, share the interests. You are providing the tools of growth that will mean the difference of a role of a normal person and that of a being who will be capable of soaring wondrous heights.”

The Guardian