Monthly Archives: April 2019

A Profound array of the Guardian’s Reflections on Healing Gloria

When she remembers everything, then she will be able to reach her potential. They will come to a certain point and have to make up their mind, either experiences are going to be of help or hindrance.

I guess you realize by now her mind was raped. The work is tedious but the unconscious needs to remember details to cleanse the mind. It’s a wonder both the conscious and unconscious haven’t been in a state hospital.

There will be knowledge made known that will be of interest to you and that will add to your love of life. The person you are helping will have important knowledge for you as well. I wish you an uplifted feeling to help you along today—to follow your talent. Do not get discouraged. Good contact is being made; so is increased awareness. Bear in mind, I pose no threat to you. I’m detached from rivalry or anything of that sort.

Mere consciousness is not awareness. Consciousness is of the physical brain while awareness is of the mind—this is part of the soul. Thinking and working out problems has to do with consciousness. Inner knowing—telling me that I am and I, too, exist—this awareness is the link to God, the Creator.

Letters are good too, creating a lot of tension while at same time, bringing the whole thing to a head.

What you sense in your heart and feel in your conscience must be the greatest part of your training. You must have confidence of your experience. If people only were not so afraid, such abundant unconscious resources could be put to use for progress. People are still groping in the ‘Dark Ages’ where limited conscious beliefs trap them in a microscopic box of awareness—unaware of what lies beyond, what is possible.

There will be times when you want to just walk away from it and forget the whole business. Don’t! Stick with it. When you look back on it, you will be amazed at the progress made. I will guide your efforts and Gloria’s efforts.

My role is to bring you knowledge so you have the assurance and confidence you need for the work ahead of you to help Gloria reach her full potential as a human being. My job is enjoyable, a work of love and pleasure. To see two human beings become as greatly as they can be is certainly not a duty. I stand for faith, hope, charity, and love—the good things in life. You could call me a good influence. I create love and blessings.

Gloria and Gloria’s Helper are to help themselves, first of all. If they did not want to help themselves, I couldn’t help at all. What they or you get confused about, or threatens you or them, then I am able to step in by feelings of love, nature and blessings to enable you back to an optimistic nature. Instead of your being pessimistic, I help you see the truth, the reality of things, not pessimism. I have to leave you in comfort and encouraged—couldn’t leave you depressed and discouraged, then I would fail. You see the whole thing has been an optimistic act. So what we have done is an act of procreation and love. We all stuck together so Gloria didn’t commit suicide. There was always someone to pick us up. That’s how we work together as ONE.

Understand my work is important; but if the person I am sent to help refuses to acknowledge me, or to help themselves, I eventually withdraw. However, I do not intrude nor pose a threat. I only come when a person is open for help. For example, I have another mission I am working on—a desperate man who called out for help. Regrettably, he’s a stubborn old alcoholic who has thrown his good life away and now resists my guidance, love, and blessings. My power to help is limited by what a human being is willing to give me. I am afraid in this case I might fail. A pity.