Monthly Archives: February 2017

Gloria Rising Sneak Peek

“For now, I will say that God endowed humans with a great many powers and forces, and some of the creative, constructive powers can only be passed on through channels of others.” The Guardian

The Guardian’s First Startling and Profound Message to Dr. Adam Jaxon

“If you do not believe in Gloria—she’s sensitive—it would do her harm.”
“Something you have to know—Gloria is developing a great
respect for what you are teaching her. I am determined to take care of her.
She must rely on it—an outlook she can get from the reassurance that will
flow through her from within.”
“A swift dart of memory and she will recall how she has again closed
herself against pain. Gloria’s Helper must be made to peer into a time of
loss without anguish. It has to come from this source, Gloria’s Helper, to
be of any help – the dates—November 26 and November 27. I will help.”
“No cause for alarm! My work is not your work. Gloria’s progress is
based on the therapy of your concern, devotion, and skill. I merely try to
“Must remind you that Gloria and Gloria’s Helper have acquired more
in her life span than many of us ever do. Something sustained her—a philosophy,
a way of life much simpler than any we might practice here; and
because it is and was so simple, it may be that it was more advanced—it got
her through horrors most do not live through.”
“Gloria’s Helper is an inner source who leads her to beautiful thoughts
and peaceful places, while I seem to have a source and give her an intuition
that tells her whatever she needs to know.”

The Starlight Prophecy Sneak Peek


Sade sat entranced. She was about to embark on a perilous journey with her cheeky, younger sister, and adventurous cousins that would change their lives forever. She had been haunted since childhood by inexplicable psychic events and ageless questions:

Where did we come from?

Who are we?

Why are we here?

Questions that confounded her young mind until her obsessive thoughts took on a life of their own, as a mystifying premonition emerged into her awareness. Sade’s eyes glazed over. She felt spacey; her body tingled as an intoxicating smell overpowered her—the heady and sweet odor of static electricity. It felt like déjà vu. She tried to speak, but muttered only gibberish. She saw astonishing lights and then a vortex. She felt powerless to resist what called her as a shadowy force swept her away.


Come and join the fun!

Enter to Win One of Two memorable autographed copies of Gloria Rising.

Goodreads giveaway begins February 16 and ends April 3, 2017


Goodreads Book Giveaway

Gloria Rising by Linden Morningstar

Gloria Rising

by Linden Morningstar

Giveaway ends April 03, 2017.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway


Come and join the fun!

Enter to Win One of Two memorable autographed copies of The Starlight Prophecy.

Goodreads giveaway begins February 16 and ends April 3, 2017



Goodreads Book Giveaway

The Starlight Prophecy by Linden Morningstar

The Starlight Prophecy

by Linden Morningstar

Giveaway ends April 03, 2017.

See the giveaway details
at Goodreads.

Enter Giveaway


Love and Goodness are the greatness gift you can give to the world and all life.

Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day. For our light and momentary troubles are achieving for us an eternal glory that far outweighs them all. So we fix our eyes not on what is seen, but on what is unseen, since what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal.
2 Corinthians 4:16-17