Monthly Archives: November 2016

People are still groping in the ‘Dark Ages’: Excerpt from The Guardian

“For now, I will say that God endowed humans with a great many powers and forces; and some of the creative, constructive powers can only be passed on through channels of others—in this case,  Gloria.”
“There is something I need to say. Any form of information can be of help if it is received at the right time. Gloria’s sore throat has to do with an identification imprint, and I would like to give you fragmentation’s of a suggestion—‘lilacs’; ‘summer day’; ‘scarecrows.’ Unless I tell you this, you may start chasing down blind alleys. Two or three imprints are blocking observation at this time. The fact that the unconscious, Gloria’s Helper, made a mistake in judgement should not be allowed to cause negative emotions. The unconscious has a child integrity. Good concentration (yours and Gloria’s) is a definite asset in this work.”
“A sign of her healing emotionally is when she can talk normally about things that used to terrify her.”
“You’ve built her up, or she would have gone crazy or died. You helped her get out a lot of violent feelings.”
“Healing Gloria takes time. It took years to build up all her emotional problems. Kept her past hidden, pushed away, a big secret. There’s a lot to be remembered, a lot to be gone over and reviewed, so Gloria’s Helper can change her mind and better influence Gloria.”
“Letters are good too, creating a lot of tension while at same time, bringing the whole thing to a head.”
“What you sense in your heart and feel in your conscience must be the greatest part of your training. You must have confidence of your experience. If people only were not so afraid, such abundant unconscious resources could be put to use for progress. People are still groping in the ‘Dark Ages’ where limited conscious beliefs trap them in a microscopic box of awareness—unaware of what lies beyond, what is possible.”

The Guardian