About Linden

Goodreads Ratings

Gloria Rising
Gloria Rising

Average rating 3.60


The Starlight Prophecy
The Starlight Prophecy

Average rating 4.0


The author asks, “Do you believe in angels?” If not, he believes you may after reading Gloria Rising because the heart of the story is God’s miraculous and divine healing grace.

Gloria Rising is a compelling psychological and supernatural novel based on real events. Linden’s broad experience as a hypnotherapist gives psychological depth to this powerful and unsettling story about a woman terrified of going insane and desperate for help.

Gloria must face and accept the horror and repressed trauma of her childhood to heal and transform her life. Her hypnotherapist, Dr. Adam Jaxon is confronted by Gloria’s baffling array of psychiatric disorders and symptoms, and dangerous sleepwalking episodes.

Even more bewildering is the unexpected appearance of a heavenly presence during Gloria’s hypnotherapy sessions that claims to have come to help Gloria watch over her and guide Dr. Jaxon’s hypnotherapy. An astounding turn of events that unnerves the usually unflappable Dr. Jaxon and forces him to reconsider his own metaphysical understanding and psychological grip on reality. Dr. Jaxon’s beliefs about reality and the nature of existence are profoundly tested and reset later when the mysterious being reveals its astonishing identity.

Gloria Rising is a trailblazing psychological novel based on true events that takes you beyond the books about the intriguing multiple personalities like Sybil and The Three Faces of Eve to a living hell of indescribable terror and horror—and to something beyond that is otherworldly, which defies the principles and understanding of modern psychology and psychiatry. Most importantly, God’s miraculous and divine healing grace is at the very heart of the story.

Legendary hypnotherapist, Dr. Adam Jaxon, is on a quest to rescue and heal his mystifying and perplexing patient, Gloria from the brink of madness and horrifying nightmares. Gloria’s riveting story is told under deep hypnosis where her unconscious mind automatically writes down the terrifying details of her nightmares, to expose the shocking truth that may set her free or plunge her deeper into madness.

Gloria’s automatic letters are compelling, and heart-wrenching yet open the doors of perception to a deeper awareness and higher consciousness she needs to solve the puzzle of her escalating madness and uncover the dark secrets buried in her nightmares—a mystery that Gloria is terrified of facing, yet must, to escape the madness and reclaim her sanity and life.

Linden’s spellbinding novel was inspired by his war experiences and life-changing decision to become a warrior healer to heal himself and others from traumatic experiences. He drew strength and inspiration from the people he helped heal and discovered the divine power of healing through his hypnotic experiences with the woman, he calls Gloria in his novel Gloria Rising.

He utilized this unbounded healing power to heal her psychological trauma, which humbled him and gave him the courage to write Gloria Rising with his best friend, Beatrice Hudson.

In memory of Beatrice Hudson, co-author, 1924-2014, for her contribution to our writing and loving support that helped make Gloria Rising an enthralling and inspiring story.

Linden writes to explore the mysteries of life and the mysterious connections between the mind, soul, universe, and the divine.

Starlight Prophecy

Moreover, his debut novel The Starlight Prophecy is a dazzling gem of fantasy and science fiction about five women caught in a deadly trap when they respond to an ancient alien prophecy.

Here they experience what it feels like to become something more than human, something alien, and superhuman that enthralls yet terrifies them. As an alien prophecy drives them to a shocking destiny, they must accept or turn away from it in terror.

The Starlight Prophecy is about an intrepid band of women whose passionate intellect, fiery nature, and adventurous hearts collide with an alien prophecy that thrusts them on a perilous journey to an incredible destiny.

One horrific and deadly thing stands between the Stargirls and their Starlight destiny, Lord Almighty Aagaatar the self-proclaimed “God” of the bloodthirsty Aagaa Zaagon. He plans to enslave the Stargirls to serve a higher purpose; his ‘Final Solution’ that will exterminate the Star people and make him supreme ruler of the Vaangeez galaxy.

However, the central conflict lies deeper in the Stargirl’s hearts and minds. Will they endure alien brutality and terror to answer their enigmatic and amazing destiny? Or fail, when the consequences will be catastrophic. Earth and their lives are at risk while their fate is uncertain.

The birth of his five granddaughters inspired his writing The Starlight Prophecy and the creation of its five superhuman protagonists.

The Starlight Prophecy explores what it means to be human and the mysteries of the universe that our human intelligence has pondered since ancient antiquity. Who are we? Where did we come from? Are we alone?”

To learn more about Morningstar visit http://www.gloriarising.com

Linden Morningstar 

Linden Morningstar was born in 1948 in Lamar, Missouri. Soon after his birth, his mother took him and his older sister to the Promised Land of California in the hope that farmer’s fields would be bountiful and jobs plentiful. His mother worked the farm fields around Bakersfield, California.

Linden thrived in the balmy heat of his new home and loved to get his hands dirty playing in the fertile soil. Where dirt mixed with his imagination made him happy.

Playing in the Dirt

Little Hands Creating Imaginary Worlds.







He grew up in the coastal city of Ventura, California where his love for surfing taught him to become one with nature and the waves he rode. He attended Ventura Community College and majored in Electrical Engineering where he excelled as an engineering student and won academic awards and a prestigious electrical engineering internship at a local naval base.

Although Linden had a student deferment, he chose to enlist in the U.S. Army and volunteered for Airborne, Special Forces, and Vietnam. He wanted to be a warrior for freedom. Prior to his deployment to Vietnam, he married and fathered the first of two sons.

Special Forces


Linden as a young Special Forces sergeant in Vietnam was involved in hazardous reconnaissance missions deep behind enemy lines in Vietnam. He served with Charlie Company Airborne Rangers, 75th Infantry, and MACV-SOG, Special Operations, 5th Special Forces Group.




Honorable Warrior Vietnam, 1969


When Linden returned from the Vietnam war, he resumed his college studies but changed his major from Electrical Engineering to Psychology. The war had touched his soul and changed him. He learned the hard way about the brutality and futility of war.

He was appalled by the senseless and horrendous cost in human life, of war, and the physical and psychological toll it inflicted on its survivors. He learned a valuable lesson to respect and value all life, even one’s enemy.  His long journey as a warrior-healer had begun.


Hands of a Healer

Linden graduated summa cum laude from Assumption College in Worcester, Massachusetts with a master’s degree and Certificate of Advance Graduate Studies in Psychology and Counseling. He was a licensed Marriage and Family therapist specializing in clinical hypnosis. He worked in private practice, community mental health, and in psychiatric hospitals. He also used his knowledge of hypnosis to treat patients suffering from pain and a variety of life-threatening medical conditions.

He realized that hypnosis used wisely like in authentic shamanic and spiritual healing has the power to open gateways to otherworldly realities, healing powers, benevolent spiritual beings, and a source of divine intelligence, intuition, and wisdom beyond our contemporary understanding and comprehension of the human mind and human existence.

Linden says, “I am a seeker of truth that lies beyond what we collectively call reality. The numinous that transcends our limited mortal and everyday conscious awareness and material world.”

He lives with his cherished wife, Arielle, and lovable cats, Shiloh and Lilly in southern California.